Lead Capture Websites: One Thing That Will Dramatically Increase Conversion Rates

I bet if you have a B2B or startup lead capture website, at one point or another, you’ve been disappointed by your conversion rate.

It happens to a lot of brands. Despite having a decent flow of traffic, your site visitors just aren’t doing what you want them to do. And despite trying a variety of conversion rate optimization tactics, it doesn’t budge.

You’re not alone. Only around 22% of businesses are happy with the conversion rate on their lead capture websites. And since improving your conversion rate can prove to be such a challenge, it’s easy to rationalize low performance with thoughts like:

We just need to get more traffic. Our conversion rate will eventually go up.

Let’s keep testing and making tweaks. Eventually, it will change.

When you think about it, a 2% conversion rate isn’t terrible. Maybe we need to accept it.

In my experience, if you’re doing one particular thing wrong, your conversion rate will stay where it is. It might even decrease. And if you continue to do this one thing, neither an increase in traffic or continuing to test and make tweaks will help you.

Honestly, it will probably make things worse.

Lead Capture Websites: The Secrets To Skyrocketing Conversion Rates

Lead capture websites are sites that are built to attract and convert leads for your brand, so having a high conversion rate is pretty critical. And no matter how great your website looks or how well your lead capture landing pages follow best practices, if you’re not providing value to your site visitors, you can forget about improving your conversion rate.

You provide value with a pre-planned, irresistible offer that provides instantaneous value. It might sound cliche, or like a pretty vague answer, but when it comes to the one thing that can drastically improve your conversion rate, a valuable offer is key.

Here at Lean Labs, we build high-performance lead capture websites with friction-free buyer journeys all the time. 

(You can read more about our lean website methodology on this key page.)

Over the years, we’ve learned that an incredible offer can make or break a website. There is no amount of website pages or blog posts that can replace a good offer, which consists of a few critical elements.

lead capture websites

Digital Marketer has a lot of highly specific content assets, such as a high-converting video sales letter script. 

1. Specificity

An incredible offer is one that gives the prospect the logical next step along their buyer journey. And, if the offer addresses a very specific problem they have at this point in their buyer journey, it's doubly powerful.

That’s why you need an offer that relates to their current situation, aligns with their motivation, and actually moves them forward.

You can figure that out with a pretty basic question: why do they need your solution? How will it change their lives for the better? What specifically are they trying to accomplish with this tool that they can’t do on their own?


The EBook Reader has a $5 instant credit that you can activate right away. 

2. Instant Delivery

Whatever your offer is, I need it now. When you make your potential customer wait to sign up for or access something, you lose them. It needs to be instantaneous. With all of the other options out there and all of the day-to-day distractions that we all face, there’s no room for delayed gratification.

If it’s a free trial, get them started on the free trial right now.

If it’s a demo, make it a recorded demo.

If they’re scheduling a call, get an auto-book option up there so they can select the best time that works for them.

Do not make them wait. You will lose them.


Jon Morrow's "52 Headline Hacks"  has obvious value to any website content writer or marketer. (Via DigitalMarketer)

3. Tremendous Value

As I’ve said a few times, your offer needs to be valuable. But even with a highly valuable offer, there are still going to be some new visitors that need some time and nurturing before they’ll sign up.

This is where an equally valuable lead magnet comes into play. With a high-value lead magnet, you can demonstrate your expertise, risk-free to the visitor.

Once you show them that expertise, with a lead magnet that teaches them something or equips them with the resources they need to solve a problem, you’ll attract interest. The lead magnet builds trust and rapport and is essentially what will lead a website visitor to continue to engage with your brand.


The Tony Robbins website has some of the most compelling copy I've ever seen.

4. Uniqueness

In addition to being valuable, your offer needs to be unique. It can’t be something that your website visitor can find in a blog post or a YouTube video.

For example, Tony Robbins, who’s a motivational guru, has a lot of blog content on his site about self-improvement. But nothing in those blog posts is going to measure up with the complementary results coaching session that he offers on his website.

It’s not a tangible offer, but it’s still valuable and unique because it’s a one-of-a-kind session that can literally change the course of your life. And nothing that a Robbins coach tells you during that session can be found or figured out on your own. 


A strong offer, such as this live demo from SharpSpring, is 100% focused on someone looking to grow their business.

5. 100% Focused On The Customer

Unless they’re 110% ready to buy, people hate when you sell to them. It’s why I dodge phone calls from telemarketers and quickly walk away from sales associates at Best Buy. I don’t want to be sold, I want to be helped. And if your offer is a sales call in disguise, where you’re going to tell someone why they should hire you, it’s not really that valuable to them.

Because it’s not about them. There’s no compassion about who they are or what they want.

If you went on a date and spent the whole time telling the other person why they should date you, and why you’re great, it would be obnoxious. But if you spent the time getting to know them and what they want in life, you’re more likely to make a meaningful connection.

Building High-Value Lead Capture Websites

I’ve been building websites with Lean Labs for a while now, and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that there’s no substitute for a genuine interest and motivation in helping your customer. Companies with the best lead capture websites create them with the intention to give your target audience what they need to be successful. And that starts with an incredible understanding of your customer.

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