Writer with laptop looking to the right

Want to publish on the Lean Labs blog? Here's how...

Thanks for your interest in writing for our blog!

We get a lot of requests for guest posts, so to ensure we get to see all of them, we ask that you follow this simple process:

1. Read the reqs

2. Submit the form

3. Write amazing content

Simple enough, right? Onto step 1!

Step 1: Review Our Requirements


Looking To Write A Guest Post For The Lean Labs Blog?


Our Audience

Before you write something for our site, you should probably have an idea of the content that we write and whom we write that content for.

Lean Labs provides content for CEOs and CMOs who are looking to grow their businesses by being better.

While you'll find some content that appears to target marketers, that's no longer our goal. Articles focused on marketing tactics won't cut it anymore. Oh, and we refuse to publish cheap gimmicks. 

It's also important to note that we prefer working with tech and SaaS companies, so written articles should be pertinent to this audience.

Bad Examples:

- The 7 Best Email Subject Lines for eCommerce Success

- 4 Crafty Techniques for Earning Testimonials that Shine

- How to Promote Your Holiday Sales to Increase Cart Value

Good Examples: 

- How Much Do Tech and SaaS Growth Strategies Cost?

- 5 Lethal Problems that Kill Most Growth Marketing Strategies

- 7-Step vs. 5-Step Sales Process: A Look at the Pros and Cons

Internal/External Links

For internal links, by all means, use what you need across our site. If it's been published on our blog, it's fair game to use as a resource in your content. 

External links are a bit trickier. We're fine with links to external webpages (do-follow), so long as the content is valuable to our audience. This is subjective, and we reserve the right to remove any links we feel don't contribute to the overall benefit of the article. 

If you want to recommend content to level up some of our current posts, read the Resource Recommendations section below.

You may not include affiliate links in your article.


When using images, we ask that you compress your images and title the image related to the article.


All blogs posts must be run through Grammarly and read through for wording issues, grammar, and spelling issues.


All blog posts must be submitted in Google Docs and must follow the following structure:

Our articles have one H1 tag (the title), an intro, one H2, segue text, and the rest of the article uses H3s and H4s as necessary. Check out some of our articles to see the structure and read our article How To Write A Bullet-Proof Blog Post Outline In 5 Minutes.

We'll help with formatting if needed, but we're more likely to accept articles that don't require a lot of editorial work on our part.

Looking To Submit A Resource Recommendation/Link Request?


Sometimes companies or authors will reach out with resource links they'd recommend instead of submitting an article for review.

We're pretty particular about the resources we link to in our content and need to make sure it will benefit our company. Here is what we need if you're interested in us linking to your content: 

A short video that includes: 

  • Your domain name
  • Your Domain Ranking
  • Your mission/goal
  • How your content/resource can level up ours

Submit this information by clicking the form button on this page.

Other Notes

By submitting an article to Lean Labs for publishing, you're acknowledging that all content is the author's original work and not published elsewhere. 

Once published, all content becomes the property of Lean Labs. We'll leave the content untouched unless you request updates, or if we find grammatical issues. 

Step 2: Submit The Form

Ready to submit? Click the button below to access the content submission form. Note: We'll review your submission as soon as we can.