Adding Alt Text To Images

Images and ALT text are super important to optimizing SEO. Google’s spider crawls images and image name, tags, descriptions, alt text. We should be using images in every blog post as well as optimizing the images.
Select an image that is relevant and related to content. Should be .jpg or .png
Use imagecompressor to compress image
Do not save image as something like image1.jpg. The file name matters for SEO. Use something related to the key words we want to rank for. “Top_Marketing_Books.jpg” is a good file name if you get an image of someone reading and we are posting on the best marketing books and resources (for example).
Alt text is like a caption. They show up as text if a browser can’t view the image for some reason. You should optimize it like we optimize our titles. It should be something related to the image, but tie back to our KW’s… using same example from above, the alt text could be “Woman-Reading-Marketing-Book.” Don’t keyword stuff, but do tie into our keywords in a normal sounding way.
In WordPress you can do a lot more image optimization than you can in HS - same rules apply - add image description and caption that relate to the image and keywords we are trying to rank for.