Article Batch Process

How to Take a Blog Post From Strategy to Publish

Inbound lead creates quarter blog post strategy for client. (Remember Overview)
Inbound lead confirms strategy with Kevin.
Inbound lead sets meeting with client to review strategy and goals. 
Client approves strategy.
Inbound lead sends Stephen final strategy and calendar. 
Stephen builds the campaign in LiquidPlanner and adds blog titles from strategy, in order, to via titles within batches.
Inbound lead adds due dates to based on client content calendar and strategy.
Inbound lead adds strategy, interviews, questions, to each blog post in
  • Updates status to “Ready for Client Interview”
  • Should have 3 - 6 posts ready for interview at a time.
Inbound lead conducts weekly scheduled interview with client.
  • Attaches interview to piece and updates notes.
  • Updates status to “Ready to Write.”
  • Notifies writer - 1 week due date.
Writer completes draft within 1 week.
  • Updates status to “Review/Questions/Need Help”
  • Writer updates status, and pings Inbound Lead.
Inbound lead reviews and edits for grammar/syntax.
  • For structural issues, missing links of sources, incomplete thoughts/sentences, weak context, will send back to writer for within scope revision.
  • If ready for peer review, inbound lead updates status to “Ready for Copy Editing.”
Inbound Peer Review Editor reviews and makes edits to piece (within one week time frame).
  • Edits complete, changes status to “Copy Editing Done - Review and Send to Client”
Inbound lead reviews edits of peer review. Updates as necessary.
  • Inbound lead updates status to “Article Ready for Client Review.”
  • When batch (3 - 6 pieces) are ready for client review, notify client to perform fact/tone check.
  • Ideally, client performs fact/tone check before meeting.
Inbound lead reviews client fact/tone check notes before client meeting.
  • Edits and adjusts any clear and easy updates.
  • Leaves comments to discuss on call if there are any that need clarification or discussion.
Inbound lead conducts final fact/tone check with client on call (for the areas necessary).
  • Updates status to “Needs Revision” if (on the VERY rare occasion the article needs to be rewritten/thoroughly edited by writer). Notify writer of this, notify Stephen for appropriate point allocation for revision/edit, and get final version within the 1 week turn around time. Repeat client fact/tone check.
  • Update status to “Ready to Publish” if final fact/tone check are complete and article is 100% ready to publish. Notify Stephen, and ensure correct publish date and time are attached to the piece in
Apply proper time, status, and tag to Liquid Planner. Update folder owner to Stephen, when entire batch is ready to Publish.
Stephen is notified via publishing calendar and to batch and schedule blog posts.
Posts go live. 