Blog Post Pre-Checklist

Detailed instructions are here.
Run spell check
Proofread post
Write 5 headlines
Include sub-headings

Check your links.

Note: The anchor text should always match the target keyword of the page linked-to, so that it's clear to Google (and the reader) what that page is about.

Linking needs to be consistent. Anchor text is important, even in internal links. (1) A link is in the phrase "what demand marketing is", which is a variation of our target keyword for this post. There shouldn't be a link pointing to another post in the phrase we're trying to rank this post for. Anytime that phrase is used with a link this should be the post it's pointing to. That way, Google knows exactly what to rank this page for. (2) The anchor text for the link is "demand marketing", but the post it is linking to is "demand generation problems". If I'm Google, I thought I would have ranked that linked-to page for "demand generation problems", but now Integrate is saying it's about "demand generation" instead, so I (Google) am confused.

Standardize your lists (and bullets)
Check image size and ratio
Check your video embeds
Check all quotes
Check for any strange formatting
Have post approved
Check publish date
Update headline to best performing (post A/B test)