Content Review Checklist

Proof for Spelling/Grammar/Format Errors?
  • I add to Google Docs, look for grammar flags, then add to Grammarly and look for more. Then, as I read I keep my eye out for more.
Check Meta Pieces
  • Is the SEO keyword being used in the title?
  • Are variations of the keyword in the headings?
  • Is the SEO keyword in the meta description?
  • Is the SEO keyword in the url?
  • Does the meta description connect with the reader's desire? Does it tease the resolution of this desire? Then cut it off before it actually happens (the cliff hanger). 
  • Keep meta under 260 characters.
Check Introduction
  • Does it make a clear and compelling promise for the content of the post?
  • Is it click-worthy?
  • Does it match the strategy direction for the post?
Check the Conclusion
  • Does it tie in the content to the CTA in a logical way?
  • Does it pack a punch, or does it sound like we're just trying to stop writing?
  • Does it champion the CTA, as in make you want to respond?
Check the Body
  • Are the points relevant to the strategy of the post?
  • Does the body connect with the intention of the title?
  • Some writers write an article that's only loosely associated with the title. Good clients catch this and they don't like it. If the title is "how to kill a mockingbird" the article must be about HOW TO kill a mockingbbird. The article must not be about the importance of the mockingbird or the reason you should kill the mockingbbird.
  • Are the points good or meh? Will readers get value or get regurgitated points?
  • Does it flow well? Is it easy to read and make progress or do we have long, runon sentences and never-ending paragraphs?
Final Check: Is it good?
  • If yes: Send to client.
  • If no: Send to writer (or make edits) to make it good. Give clear direction on what would make it "good." A writer doesn't need "this isn't good enough," they need "this is what's missing, this is how you should fix it."