eBook Offer Process

Check LP for due dates, and that the “name” of the eBook is the same as the one in progress.

If anything needs fixed, speak to Stephen and consult the approved strategy for clarity.

Create the Content Strategy

This process works exactly as a blog post.

Complete the strategy section of the page, including goals, overview, persona, etc. 
  • Include a CTA if there is an obvious next-step asset to link to in the eBook. 
  • Make sure to add a target of word count for budgeting reasons. The writer should take this into account in the final product to be brief/in-depth as needed.
Complete an outline of how the eBook content should be laid out.
Add any links or references that should be included in the copy:
  • Internal pages that should be linked to.
  • External sources that could be referenced or linked to.

Ask Graphic Designer to make TWO cover options so this can be in design while the copy is being created. Make sure the title on the cover matches the title in the strategy.

Give the strategy to the writer for a preliminary review. The writer should:
  • Review the outline and do preliminary research to understand the topic to be written and get a firm grasp of the subject matter enough to submit intelligent questions to the client.
  • Writer reviews/suggests tweaks/additions to the outline.
  • Writer adds any additional questions they have into the “Discovery” block.
  • Writer send the eBook page back to the Lean Labs Marketer for review.
Finalize strategy and send to client for interview / input.
Send input notes/interview to the writer for a 7-day turn-around.
Write landing page/thank you page copy based on the approved outline/information from the interview.
Review the article and edit/proof for grammar.
Send for peer review.
Send to client for content approval.
  • Make sure the client understands that content tweaks must be made at this stage and not in design.
  • Make revisions as necessary until the client signs-off on the copy.
Get cover approval from client. (Doesn’t have to wait for step 11, but should be finalized by this step)
  • Once cover is approved, get a CTA designed ASAP.
Send eBook to graphic designer with approved cover for “inspiration.”
  • Agree upon delivery date with designer so everything stays on schedule.
Get a peer review (Stephen) to proof the graphic design version for any errors/typos/mistakes before sending to client.
Send final version to client for approval.
  • Revise as necessary to get to final approval.
  • Add PDF (with pretty filename) to the client’s HubSpot and ensure the link is added to the thank you page and any autoresponder emails.
  • Make sure the LP/TYP are published and TEST.
  • If you have an engagement series planned for launch, make sure that has been completed and coordinate its delivery with the launch of the offer.
Add the offer, and any new forms, to the client's marketing resources sheet/funnel doc.