HS Blog Publish Procedure

Find the correct task in LP>Inbound>Client>Qtr>Builders etc and then start the task timer. (We budget 30 min per post.)

Create new blog post and paste title to HS blog editor.
Copy entire “body” section from GC article and paste to HS.
Carefully proofread the intro until you get to a good place to insert the read more separator and then insert the separator. Note: you may have to check the client's blog listing page for the amount of text you should put above the separator, as all clients can vary the amount and we want a uniform look on the blog listing page.

Scan pasted body for Heading sizes, heading typos, spacing or font size issues.

Check/update all links. Set external links to open in new tab. Internal links: uncheck “open in new tab”. (note: look at the link itself to make sure it looks ok, sometimes the writers paste the wrong thing as a link. i.e. Delorean Motor Company text link going to BugsBunnyShow.com or a GatherContent link. something whacky like that) (Also, look at the full link text to be sure there is no tracking in the url. Remove any tracking appends from the url to clean the link.)
Add proper CTA and center justify.
If adding additional images, download from GC (or find them if mentioned and download). Run them through tinypng.com and upload to HS. Adjust to proper size and center justify.
Go to settings tab in HS editor and select author, topic, and campaign.
Copy meta from GC and paste into HS.

Locate and download a masthead/background image. Resize the image with the properly sized canvas (each client has an ideal size, so ask Stephen if you don't know) and download it. Run image through tinypng.com (or image compressor of your choice), download again and upload it to HS by selecting “Browse folders” and then select the “blog images” (or /photos/etc) folder. (Don't skip this step or images will be saved in the root file and that becomes an unorganized mess.) We have to save images to the appropriate blog image folder for every HS client.

(For featured images that have to be added from the "Edit" tab in HS, don’t "upload" directly. 1st select "browse images" and then select "browse folders" and select the correct folder to upload the image to.)

Rename image with client name and keywords from the article's title. i.e. Lean-Labs_Best-Inbound-Publishing. Save the updated name by hitting enter key or clicking on the image. Then select "insert" to place the image.

Set GC article to “loaded to HubSpot” status and don’t update anyone (deselect all).
Set publish date to GC schedule date and time to 9:00 am.
Preview the post and paste a copy to the inbound channel in slack.
Make any necessary edits found while previewing and “schedule” the post.