See process for taking blog from strategy to posted. As this process fits within that one.
Inbound lead receives final draft of content from writer. Inbound lead reviews and edits, pushes back to writer for revision if needed. Once edits are complete, inbound lead sends piece to be peer reviewed.
Inbound lead assigns proper inbound peer review editor to piece.
Inbound lead updates status of piece to “Ready for Copy Editing.”
Inbound lead updates LP inbound phase to “Peer Review”
Inbound lead pings inbound peer review editor to notify them of the article
Inbound editor has one week to complete peer review
Inbound editor either creates comments in GC, or creates Google Doc and edits via “suggest mode.”
Inbound editor suggests edits for:
Note: Suggestions based on stylistic preferences should be limited.
When inbound editor has completed edit, updates GC status to “Copy Editing Done - Review and Send to Client.”
Editor notifies inbound lead of completion.
Inbound lead reviews suggested edits, updates/accepts where appropriate.
Inbound lead updates status in LP to “Proof Sent for Fact Check”
Inbound lead updates status in GC to “Article Ready for Client Review”
Inbound lead pings client when batch of 3 - 6 are ready for fact/tone check.