Quality Control Process

Check for broken links. http://brokenlinkcheck.com/

Compare Web version to the design to find flaws. 
Test the build via BrowserStack on Android, IOS and IE
Resize the browser (stop every 50px). See how it breaks.
Review header, footer, sidebar and main content areas
Click on all links (including main menu buttons, drop down bars, and sidebars – if available)
Make sure there are no numbers in any of the links found on your site (bad for SEO)
Check that Favicon is loading
Check page title. Title should be accurate and not generic. Homepage title should be the business name. Internal page names should be accurate and concise. 

Content QC

Check for content/format errors
Check main navigation against approved site architecture
Home Page – does it match what was approved?
Check site against developer notes
Search for “Lorem Ipsum” content
Run Screaming Frog and resolve any errors
Check for a good meta description. It should be a brief, accurate summary of the page and not be generic.