How To Launch A Website That Converts.

  • Hosted by Kevin Barber
  • Calendar-neutral-50Wednesday, August 28 @ 3:00 PM EST
  • People-neutral-506 seats max.
  • zoomZoom
  • checkmark-blackTurn web pages into magnets for ideal customers
  • checkmark-blackOptimize for mobile
  • checkmark-blackSpeak directly to your target customers

Learn actionable website design tips that help improve conversions.

Turn traditional, boring tech and SaaS web pages into magnets that attract your ideal customers. Optimize for speedy and enjoyable mobile access (65% of traffic is mobile!). Speak directly to what your target customers care about most. Feature content that grabs attention and fuels conversions

How To Launch A Website That Converts.
How To Launch A Website That Converts.

Head of Growth @ Lean Labs

About Kevin Barber

He is the Head of Growth at Lean Labs and an advisor to 25+ SaaS & tech companies. Kevin believes that focusing on great work rather than size, success stories rather than revenue, and buyer journey rather than templates helps companies deliver exceptional outcomes from marketing.

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