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Join A Diamond HubSpot Growth Team.

First, we want to clarify: this isn't a "one and done" project. We're looking for a team member that's with us for the long haul, whether Full-Time, Part-Time, or anywhere in between.

As a remote Growth Team, we understand the need for flexibility. We know our Part-Time team members won't have unlimited availability and we respect when our Full-Timers plan a vacation.

The bottom line is that this is a place where you can (read: are expected to) deliver your very best work on a consistent basis. We're a team where talented professionals thrive and feel unleashed to create top-shelf deliverables.

Ready to talk? We are. 

Fill out the application below, providing us with any info that could help with our hiring decision. Be sure to include a link to your portfolio. 🔗


One more thing...

Before you submit your application, we'll ask you to create and include a short video introducing yourself.

Don't worry, we're not grading the quality of your camera and sound. This isn't an acting position. We ask for a video because we don't hire resumes, we hire humans. We want to get a feel for your personality and character, and a video gives us more insights than inputs on an application form.

Dust off your webcam, or pull out your cell phone, and just record anywhere we can see and hear you.

You don't need to dress up. You'll get no negative marks nor brownie-points for a fancy location. We just want to get a feel for you as a person. Simply aim for five-ish unedited minutes and answer the following questions

  1. What are you looking for in a new company/position?
  2. What is one job perk that would motivate you like nothing else? (keep it reasonable, please)
  3. What is a goal or dream that you're serious about?
  4. What sets you apart? What will make us want to work with you? 
  5. What skills do you have that you'd like us to put to use on day one? What skill would you be most interested in developing?
  6. When was the last time you did something nice for someone not in your family, and what was it?

Don't forget to include the link to your intro video with your application. We're not sharing it, so feel free to "unlist" the video so only those with the link can find it. Applications without both introduction video and clear income expectations will not be considered.

If creating a video is asking too much, it's cool. We appreciate your interest in coming this far but there is no need to apply.

We look forward to hearing from you!