Join The Growth Team

Head of Operations

$120,000 full time base pay. 
  • + $10,000 Paid Professional Development
  • + $10,000 Performance Bonus Program
  • + $3,000 Mental/Physical Fitness Funds
  • + $2,000 Personal Brand Building Bonus
  • + Profit Sharing Program 💰💰
  • AND up to 4 weeks PTO (equiv)

On Target Earnings: $120000 - $160000

What creates an industry-disruptive brand?

What experiments will you run to uncover the best, data-driven course of action? 

How do you transform past trials, experiences, and insights into a force of alchemy that creates wins, quarter after quarter?

How will you blend tactful leadership and fluid communication with your team and stakeholders?

These are the questions that Head of Operations ask in order to disrupt markets and make brands the champion of their space. They don't complete tasks. They transform brands using an evolving plan to dominate their niche while also leveling up themselves and those around them.  

Ideal for Marketing Agency Team Leaders / Former Agency Owners

Have you spent years developing and refining marketing strategies for innovative brands?

Have you applied storytelling secrets learned from Seth Godin, Donald Miller, Dan Kennedy?

Have you made articles rank like Neil Patel?

Do your lead magnets convert like Ryan Deiss, and do your webinars/VSL's crush it like Russell Brunson?

Have you run a team before and you want to do it again, but this time maybe NOT as an agency owner or overworked head of agency?

Does this sound like you?

We're looking for a Head of Operations @ Lean Labs.

Come to Lean Labs if you want to:
 - work IN an agency but not OWN one
 - work WITH amazing team members but not have to manage the books and bankroll of paying them
- work ON amazing client projects and apply your experience to key deliverables while mentoring a great team 

Our new Head of Operations will level up our team and help our clients' companies scale their growth and impact.

If that sounds like fun and the career opportunity you've been looking for, we invite you to apply to join our team.

You might already know that Lean Labs is an oasis for experts that want to work remotely, design their ideal schedule and crush the competition every day. You might not be convinced yet. And while we may be biased, we want to prove this is a great opportunity...for the right person.

check-smallIf you love creating and optimizing all types of content (text, audio, video, etc.)...

check-smallIf you know how to set goals and measure the impact of your content...

check-smallIf you want to work with a team of professionals who are passionate about their work...

check-smallIf you know how to identify the right plays for a successful campaign...

check-smallIf you’re constantly improving your skills and want to get paid for it (#bonus!)…

check-smallIf you look at the entire marketing funnel & customer journey for growth opportunities...

check-smallIf you want flexibility in your schedule to use your time how it best fits you…

check-smallIf you love thinking outside the box to solve problems and deliver extraordinary results...

Most of all, If you want more than the typical marketing job has to offer... 

Welcome to your new career @ Lean Labs

Seeking someone with experience running agency pods or teams (has successfully managed 10-30+ people) to run our two growth teams at Lean Labs.

We’re looking for a Head of Operations who is an:

  • Effective marketer (you will be asked to review/improve key deliverables)
  • Excellent at managing clients (you'll be coaching the team on this, so you MUST be great at it)
  • Respected by team members (you cannot lead without trust).  References we can reach out to are required.
  • Superb at aligning teams for efficient execution.
  • Naturally unsatisfied and proactively ensuring teams deliver repeated client wins and a great client experience.

  • It's possible to do this as Part Time at a $60k-70k base.
  • By NO MEANS is this an endless agency grind of weekly overtime.

Required skills, experience, and attitude:

  • A positive, professional, can-do attitude is critically important. We prioritize enjoying our day and the team we work with. We pass the ball a lot during a project. You'll interact with everyone on our team, and you'll need to match our quality, productivity and echo a can-do vibe to fit our culture.
  • Working knowledge of organic, social, and email marketing. 
  • Minimum of 5 years of demonstrable growth results.
  • Ability to analyze data to determine areas of improvement and campaign performance.
  • Familiar and comfortable with presenting campaigns and client updates through video conferences.
  • Knowledge of brand positioning.
  • Must have a firm grasp of English with the ability to write, edit, and speak the language.
  • Experience in organic marketing. 
  • Working knowledge of HubSpot is a must.
  • Mojo. We completely thrive on it. You'll need to bring quite a bit to fit in.
  • Strong task management, time management, and team collaboration.
  • Attention to detail.
  • A quick learner with a strong desire to learn and implement new skills.
  • You're competitive...with yourself. You're the type of person who likes keeping score and wants to continuously improve. We review a team scoreboard weekly to see how we're doing and what opportunities we have for growth. Ideal candidates love the challenge and want to hit their numbers.
  • You're data-focused. We don't like living in spreadsheets, but they do make it easier for us to see where we should focus. The ideal candidate enjoys looking at data like traffic, bounce rates, conversion rates, and everything of the sort...because this is where the opportunities are spotted.

What makes you an even better fit:

  • You can edit and produce high-quality audio and/or video (and have the clips to prove it).
  • You’ve used HubSpot Marketing Hub tools (landing pages, email, CTAs, etc.) enough to be dangerous.
  • Knowing your way around SEMrush, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console is a plus. 

That’s what we expect from you. But what about your expectations of us? 

Our “Secret Sauce” is a combination of work perks, culture, and working the way you want:

  • Minimal meetings. Minimal wasted effort. Minimal BS. 
  • Agile Methodology. Short sprints of focused work for great results!
  • Adherence to our core values in everything we do.
  • Mojo-driven workflow. We'll let you get in that groove and eliminate distractions!
  • Competitive wages with performance-based incentives.
  • Paid professional development (yes, we pay you to better yourself).
  • Design your schedule. Change it as needed. Work in whatever environment brings out your best. Flexibility!
  • We’re not big on layoffs. We haven’t had one since we started in 2002. 
  • Join a team with a track record of client success; we’ve helped our clients generate over $200 million in revenue and secure over $100 million in funding. 
  • Did we mention Paid Professional Development? (the right people get really excited about this)

The Bottom Line: this is a position for people who want to work with great brands, create great results, and level up their skills with a great team.  

We expect you to deliver your very best work consistently to create wins for clients. As part of a tight-knit, peak-performing lean growth team, we expect you to help us continuously learn, improve, and build our future as a company.

Ready to talk? We are.

Apply for the Head of Operations role

Not sure if this level of expertise is the right fit?
NO problem, please explore our other digital marketing role.