How to Book Qualified Calls with the HubSpot Meetings Tool

Prospecting is challenging in many ways, but scheduling meetings is one of the most frustrating pieces of the prospecting puzzle. With additional responsibilities and scheduling conflicts galore, setting meetings within the organization can be challenging, let alone trying to set something up with a potential customer. 

Imagine the time and effort you could save (not to mention the frustration!) if you could connect with potential customers on a centralized scheduling platform. How about one that can get people to quickly agree on a schedule without the endless toing and froing?

This article will explore how you can maximize your schedule with HubSpot's Meetings Tool. Discover the available capabilities and learn how these can help you stay productive, even when your calendar is jam-packed.


How to Schedule a Meeting with a Qualified Lead Using HubSpot's Meeting Tool 

Do you wonder why booking qualified calls seems to be such a constantly tiresome task to you? In contrast, it may appear to be a cinch for others. If that's the case, it may be time to take a closer look at how you manage the task. More than likely, your woes stem from one fact: You’re using the wrong tools. "Unchore" your scheduling tasks with HubSpot's Meeting Scheduler. 

One clear advantage of HubSpot over other automation software is that all the marketing and sales functionality you need is conveniently under one roof. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways this all-in-one sales software can help you book more qualified calls.


Seamless Integration

Let’s consider a scenario: You’ve finally wrangled everyone’s schedules to the point that you’re ready to send out a meeting invite. Once you send the invitation… crickets. No confirmations, no responses at all. 

You take the time to reach out to each invitee directly only to discover your prospects didn’t see your invite—because they’re using a different calendar app. 

With HubSpot CRM, that won't be a problem anymore. HubSpot CRM works seamlessly with Gmail, G Suite, Outlook, and Office 365 for windows. It also integrates directly with HubSpot CRM, email marketing, and sales leads software, so you don't have to switch pages just to make an appointment with your prospects or members of your team.

Did you know that you can get started with HubSpot's meeting scheduler for free? That's right! It comes gratis with their Sales Hub. When upgrading to the more premium Sales Hub editions, you can get even more advanced features. 


Sales Automation 

Are you bogged down by the manual work associated with managing your prospects and scheduling appointments? After a long, exhausting day of work, you look down at your to-do list only to realize you didn’t cross anything off… you spent the whole day emailing instead. 

Through HubSpot's Meetings Tool, you can leverage workflows to automate all those tedious tasks, such as rotating leads and creating deals. You'll save precious hours by automating your sequences to trigger emails the moment someone sets a meeting. 

You might be pleasantly surprised by the windfall of time, which you can make better use of by closing more deals— and closing them faster.


Organizing Capabilities

Without an efficient way to organize your work processes, it can feel like you're aimlessly wandering toward a goal you can’t see. With a to-do list that's miles long, it can be pretty easy to blur the line between what's urgent versus what's important. Remember your priority quadrant? Here's where HubSpot CMS can help you straighten things out, so you don't prioritize what's merely tactical over what's strategic.

HubSpot can instantaneously add prospects who schedule meetings with you to your contacts database, so even as your database grows, it can stay organized.


Scheduling Flexibility

To be effective at what you do, you need to be flexible. This applies to your meeting tool as well. With HubSpot, you can customize your meetings and set different lengths for multiple appointments. You can even set your desired bookable time, so when someone sees your meetings link, only your available times show up. You may also choose to scale your meetings through HubSpot's group meeting links that can easily facilitate larger groups. And the best thing for non-techies is that it is so easy to set up. Just link to your calendar, and you're all set. 

How HubSpot Can Help You Book Qualified Calls


Predictive Lead Scoring

How often does your lead scoring process bring you "interesting" prospects, which turn out to be a terrible fit? Or, even worse: How often have you seen high-quality leads fall through the cracks? These things happen because most current models rely on assumptions, lack data, and are even subjective. 

There is less conjecture and more science with the Predictive Lead Scoring of HubSpot's Meetings tool. Using big data and algorithmic modeling, you can attach additional customer data outside of the point of vendor engagement to enrich lead valuation. Therefore, the lead scoring is more comprehensive and less at risk of subjectivity. Some examples of external data are job applications, social activity, credit rankings, etc. As a result, predictive Lead Scoring can eventually lead you to the customers who are most likely to provide the highest ROIs by encompassing more data points and a deeper scope per data point.


Live Chat

The moment you fail to engage with live prospects on your website, you lose the opportunity to spot a qualified lead. After all, those who are already active on your site are the ones most likely to convert.

You can easily connect with these prospects through HubSpot whenever they are on your website. HubSpot can help you route chat conversations to the right salespeople so you can give your interested prospects the TLC they need and strengthen your relationships with them. 


Email Tracking

How many emails actually lead to a purchase? If you aren't leveraging your emails to qualify your leads, it's possible to miss out on substantial opportunities. Emailing then may feel more like betting on the lottery, with you hoping that you'll strike gold someday.

Quit the guessing game with HubSpot's Email Tracking Tool, which can notify you the moment a prospect opens their emails. You can then send a perfectly-timed follow-up, knowing that there is an excellent chance that the prospect will convert. In addition, HubSpot's Email Tracking Tool provides invaluable context. When your prospect makes an effort to click on a link in your email, you know that they're more interested in you than your average email opener.


Giving Scheduling Power to the Customer

Handing over the reins to the customer when it comes to scheduling meetings can save them—and you— a lot of time.

You can send your appointment booking link to your prospects through HubSpot and let them book on your calendar directly. Once you set up your Meeting Tool, you immediately connect your calendar to HubSpot. Your prospects can also easily view your free meeting slots from which they can choose their desired schedule. 

One remarkable convenience is that the tool syncs to your Google or Office 365 calendar, so you can quickly update your prospects with any changes to your availability. 


Stop Meeting with Difficulty with the Right Meeting Tool 

The daily grind is challenging enough without the struggle of having to schedule meetings. However, booking qualified calls can be easy peasy with the right tools. Work smarter by using a meeting tool that can free up your time for other productive tasks, enhance your workflow, and boost productivity. Both your company and your customers will thank you for it.

Can't wait to get started with the HubSpot Meeting Tool? We can't either. So we found a way to get you on the HubSpot platform--through a savings deal of 60% off on your first year. 

Most customers pay $18,480 for their first year of HubSpot. But we've slashed that by more than half to bring it down to just $7,405! With the standard HubSpot package, you'll immediately need to spend the total price of $18,480 in the first month of the one-year use of the platform. However, with the Lean Labs Process, instead of paying in full for the entire basic platform package, you'll only be paying for the products you'll be able to use while your new website and marketing strategies are still being built. This translates to 60% savings without you having to wait for a second longer to use the platform. Learn more by checking out Hubspot today.

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