HubSpot Marketing Pricing: How to Get the Best Deal for Your Business

If you could invest in a marketing platform that saved you time, stress, and cash, how fast could you make the decision?

As your business grows, you’re likely noticing growing pains. The need to hire more people, find scalable software options, and have your staff become more effective as you grow are common struggles. Coupled with those growing pains is the burning question of how do I scale my business? To scale your business and become more efficient and effective, you need to adopt best practices for marketing, sales, services, analytics, and automation - and have it in line with your company’s needs.

With all of those needs and so many companies offering solutions, do each of those companies work together seamlessly? Can you easily compare your costs to your ROI and their effectiveness?

What if you could accomplish all your business needs in the same place? That’s where HubSpot comes into the picture. Accessing all of these features, with the Lean Labs’ recommendations, you’re going to save time and money and be on your way to scaling your business in no time.

Get the Benefits of HubSpot Marketing Pricing Without the Full Price Tag

Using multiple tools and automation across many websites that can communicate together technically can work. Still, many times, those tools add up to be more expensive in outright cost and cost in hours of setting each tool up to work with each other and be seamless.

HubSpot has cohesive features like customer relationship management, task managers, automation options, email campaign management, website analytics and creation, and much more. As a one-stop-shop for all your business needs, the biggest question is usually, how do I know which HubSpot option is right for my business?

Although answering that question can be helpful, the better question is how do I know which option is right for my business at different growth points? Some companies buy more tools than they need and end up wasting money. Some companies lack the tools they need and end up wasting time and potential opportunities.

To avoid those costly mistakes, let’s go through your options to use on HubSpot, a brief overview of the pricing, at what point you should be utilizing which features, and how Lean Labs can help save you money in your relationship with HubSpot.

Building an Initial HubSpot Strategy (Pre-Work)

Let’s not beat around the bush, HubSpot is expensive. Most brands who use HubSpot purchase four products totaling $18,480 per year.

Like all great investments, it takes time to onboard and some ramp-up time to get entirely in tune with your new product, and you also need time to see results and a good ROI. At Lean Labs, our goal isn’t to set you up with the most expensive software; our goal is to have you 1000% happy with the solutions we help provide for your company, no matter what direction you go in.

That includes stretching your dollar as much as possible so that you can use your budget strategically. By setting you up with a HubSpot usage strategy, we can show you how to be prepared for each step of the process and don’t have to waste time figuring out where to begin.

The most significant value of HubSpot is having all your solutions in one place, but also being able to gauge where your business is at in the growth process, what tools you need, and the right company to suit those needs will save you time and money one year from now.

When working with the free version of HubSpot, you’re going to need ramp-up time to get used to the platform, prep your website content strategy for the next stage, and even rethink some previous policies and procedures.

For example, your previous software might have collected different information than what HubSpot is recommending, your website content strategy might need a whole overhaul, and your team may need training on free HubSpot certifications. 

Cost: $0

Time Estimate: 2 weeks- 1 month

Example of tasks that should be completed by this point:

  • Building up your website content strategy
  • Determine your buyer journey
  • Your Sitemap
  • Your Messaging Strategy

2-Month Development Phase

Time to start your year with HubSpot! Let’s break down what we recommend for each stage your business is in through one year using HubSpot and the features you gain access to.

This development phase aims to get you onboarded into the Content Management System and get more comfortable using it; this system will be essential for the rest of the year. This is the time to get your website together, install your conversational bots, optimize SEO strategies, and start your reporting and KPI tracking.

Here is a preview of what is included within CMS:

  • Drag and drop web page builder
  • Website themes
  • Conversational bots
  • SEO optimization and recommendations
  • Reporting and smart content
  • Securing your website with an SSL certificate and 24/7 security monitoring and threat detection

All those features and more to get started on! Want to ensure you're making the right call? Schedule an appointment with our resident HubSpot expert who can walk you through whether HS is the right choice for your current needs.

Cost: $300/month totalling $600

Time Estimate: 2 weeks- 1 month

4-Months of Launching & Learning

Okay, now is the fun part. Over 2 months into this process, and by this point, your company would be onboarded with the Content Management System (CMS) referenced in the Development Phase. By now, you’ve put website themes, drag and drop webpage builders, conversational bots, and more to use.

What’s next? Your initial 2-months with the CMS are up but don’t worry, we’re going to stick around with it. In combination with the HubSpot Sales Starter, you have the same access as before, except now you also have access to the sales benefits.

Now let’s add the HubSpot Sales Starter into the equation. The Sales Starter package has automation and reporting software to make your sales team work seamlessly together. To track your deal pipeline for your sales staff and leadership, there is one section for everyone to see, including filters to divide up specific data you would like to view.

In addition to customizing deal pipeline filters, you can do the same with your contact lists. This can help with segmentation for email campaigns, sales calls, and messaging through HubSpot, and more. Last but not least, HubSpot eases your payment process along by helping you create customer quotes and giving you a reporting dashboard to show your clients and track campaign progress.

By the end of this 4-month Launching & Learning phase, the goal is to get your sales team and marketing team operating at high efficiency, working on scaling your client intake and becoming more effective.

CMS Trial ends, four months of CMS: $1,200 total

Addition of HubSpot Sales Starter: $180 total for two users

Time Estimate: 4 months

6-Months of Going Full Speed Ahead

Onto the home stretch now! For half of the year, we’ve planned out your Content Management System (CMS) and your HubSpot Sales Starter.

Now it’s time to step it up even more and go for the Marketing Pro software upgrade.

With the Marketing Pro Software Upgrade, you can start automating not only your sales processes but now your marketing processes too. Your team would now have access to creating multilingual content, blogging access, SEO resources and recommendations, along with social media marketing benefits. For your multimedia and advertising needs, you can use ABM, A/B testing features, event optimization, and hosting your video content to manage it locally. Don’t forget to bring it all together with reporting analytics like campaign reports, custom reporting access, calculated properties, sales integration, and so much more.

Six months of Marketing Pro: $4800 total 

Six months of CMS + Sales Starter: $2070 total

Time Estimate: 6 months

Now Onto The Extra Savings

Even after our unique savings strategy, did you know signing up with HubSpot through Lean Labs automatically saves you up to $3,000 off of the ticket price for HubSpot? We have many options to help coach you through the process of HubSpot Onboarding.

If you want to get deeper into the savings, explore calculations to see your exact costs, schedule an appointment with Chris, our resident HubSpot expert, to help find the perfect combination of features for your business.

Happy savings!

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