Powerful Ways Animated Videos Increase Conversions Across Your Website

Animation is a huge part of every childhood. There was a point in everyone's life when animation was just the coolest thing you'd ever seen. Tom and Jerry, Superman, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Scooby-Doo, those cartoons take us down memory lane.

And since animation is popular and familiar for most people, marketers out there incorporate this engaging medium in their campaigns so that they can seamlessly touch the target audience's heart and get their messages across. It should come as no surprise that more than 59% of today’s marketers rely on animation for their video marketing campaigns. 

Most often than not, animations are used in the form of videos to help marketers convey fresh, captivating brand messages to their target audience. It helps simplify complicated messages and make number-heavy content more digestible. 

Animation is an engaging way for visual communication as they illustrate any complex ideas, helping viewers understand the message effortlessly. Therefore, some marketers rely on animated tutorial videos to give the audience a solid grasp of how to use the product or service correctly. Meanwhile, others use animated explainer videos to introduce their brand and demonstrate the value they offer to their target audience.

Many marketers host their animated videos on their homepage, landing pages, even FAQ so that the visitors can understand their brand better and they can boost on-page conversions.

Animated videos can be a powerful tool marketers use to increase on-page conversion. That attractive content makes it much easier for visitors to retain the message and build their trust towards your brand. This, in turn, will encourage them to complete the call to action on your website.

Now, you must be wondering, “what is the best way to use animation for brands?”

We will break down the importance of animated videos for your brands. From these points below, you will gain more insights into how animated videos can attract more audiences and boost your on-page conversions.

Animated Videos Simplify Complex Ideas

You do not need to spend thousands of dollars on those fancy cameras, lighting kits, or professional actors, to create animated videos. There are tons of useful production tools and templates you can use to create stunning animation. So, even when you have no design skills at all, you can still craft your own animated videos. 

Animated videos are more cost-effective and versatile compared to traditional live-action videos. It can capture everything, every scene, in a way the real camera and crews can not. It also allows you to bring any concept to life, making it much easier for you to convey and deliver your brand message effectively.

When you can illustrate every message clearly, you help the visitors to retain it better. And when they retain better, they should have no problem trusting your brand. Not only will it help you increase your brand recall, but it also makes them sure to invest in your brand or make a purchase directly on your website.

One of the best ways you can build trust with your audience through animated videos is by characterizing your brand. Creating a certain persona assigned to your brand will result in an improved customer experience. In this case, a pleasant customer experience will lead to a more personal relationship. When you build a solid, meaningful relationship with the audience, it will make it much easier for them to put their trust in you and become a loyal customer.

Animated Videos Fit Anywhere in Your Sales Funnel

Whether you use them on the top of your sales funnel to increase brand awareness or on the bottom of your funnel to increase your conversions, animated videos fit anywhere in your sales funnel. 

Not only do animated videos break down complicated topics, but they also grab a visitor’s attention faster. This is what makes animated videos (e.g., explainer videos, how-to videos, trailer videos, even product videos) a versatile and flexible medium that fits anywhere in your sales funnel.

Animated Videos Focus Your Brand Storytelling

With animation, you can create your own eye-catching fictional characters and storyline. And people love stories. Animation helps you craft your message around the most vital points that matter to your target audiences. When you provide them with story-driven animated videos, they tend to stay longer on your website to watch it all the way through. 

The more they stay longer on your website, the more likely they are interested in your brand and want to explore more. Storytelling also makes your brand message less hard-selling. It is immersive, powerful, and very effective in driving engagement.

By creating stories with your animated videos, you can elicit emotions. You can make the viewers feel happy, inspired, motivated, even sad. It helps you build connections in a more personal way. Building an emotional connection will act as a bridge between your brand and the next part of the buyer’s journey. Connecting in this way encourages the visitor to take an action, whether downloading, subscribing to your email newsletter, or even purchasing directly from your page.

Animated Videos Appeal to Broader Audiences

Remember how we were captivated by Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and the rest of the gang when they banded together to take down Sid and find Andy? Those scenes are automatically playing in our minds now, right? Woody and Buzz are trapped at Sid's house, Buzz’s temporary existential crisis, the teamwork of other Andy’s toys to get them both escaped from the house, and more.

It shows that animated videos are an effective tool and increase brand recall, helping the audience create on-top-of-mind awareness of brands. We’ve mentioned it slightly in the beginning; the animation captivates both the young and old making it an effective communication medium that bridges generations. It also means that using it on your marketing strategy can increase your chances to expand your reach.

Animated videos help you to tailor and customize your brand messages to match the audience you want to connect and interact with. From younger generations to older generations or professionals, you can get your message across seamlessly and appeal to a broader audience with animated videos. After all, the animation is doing a great job at weaving parts of the adult and children’s worlds together. 

When you successfully craft and communicate a brand message that is created for the correct age of the audience, the target age group will more likely respond to it. In this case, you have a massive opportunity to convert them right on your website.

Animated Videos are Attractive

Animated videos can show how stories can frame brands like never before. Those fictional and goofy-like characters make a brand more human, which have the potential to break down barriers and engage an audience. Therefore, it can be more attractive and engaging for the audience.

It can also be a powerful tool to make you stand out from your competitors. Those endearing cartoon characters and seamless motions make the visitors not be able to take their eyes off until the video ends.

Animate motion captures visual attention that can encourage the visitor to listen to what your brand says to them so that they can confidently take action on your website. Therefore, you can also say that the better-delivered brand’s message often leads to an increasing number of sales and conversions (both on-page and off-page).

Wrapping Up

With well-crafted and intriguing story-driven animated videos, you can catch more eyeballs and encourage the visitors to convert into paying customers. Putting them on your website, whether on landing pages or product pages, can help you increase your chance to boost the on-page conversion rate.

That said, you need to craft animated videos professionally, though. Poorly designed animated videos will hinder your brand image and message rather than enhance it. That is why you might also want to consider working with animated video production companies

The advantage of working with a professional team is so much more than the quality of the animated videos themselves. You can save your time to do other important tasks you have in the marketing campaigns. All you need to do is to communicate your goals and the concept of the animated videos and they turn your story into well-crafted animated videos effortlessly.

Also, most video production companies help you research your market and competitors, so they also ensure that your animated videos stand out and bring you the best results.

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