13 Content Marketing Stats That Prove You Need a Strategy

You know content marketing is effective. You wouldn't be here if you thought otherwise.

But when it comes to an Inbound approach, seeing rewards from the work you've put in may take time. And we understand, that can be disappointing.

So if you're having a hard time seeing the value in your efforts, here are some content marketing stats that are sure to prove it's worthwhile.

Content Marketing Stats That Justify Its Use

Whether you're up to date on your content marketing stats or not, there's good reason to pay attention to the numbers. They show the field is growing and changing. More importantly, it gives you insights for how you should adapt your own strategy.

Not everyone is receptive to content marketing, so we've collected a handful of statistics to validate the effectiveness of the approach. So the next time your managers question the value of your content plan, share these stats to get them on board.

Content Marketing Usage

First, let's look at how many marketers are actually using content marketing, and how large of an audience they're able to reach.

1. In 2019, nearly 85% of US companies with at least 100 employees are using content marketing. This number is similar to 2018, but it's important to remember there are thousands more companies this year than last.

2. 91% of B2B and 33% of B2C have content marketing as part of their strategy (more on this later). B2B has embraced content marketing, and because of that, they expect it from others, searching for content from other businesses.

3. When it comes to market potential, one study found 77% of US adults go online daily. That's a lot of people who can find your content.

4. Social media also continues to increase usage. Facebook found 75% of its users visit the site once a day, and with over 2 billion users, you're able to reach broader demographics.

Content Marketing Strategy

When it comes to strategy, it's always good to see what works. Without knowing, it's more challenging to innovate your own approach. Check out these facts to see what you can do to get ahead.

5. Businesses publishing 16 or more posts a month see three-and-a-half times more traffic than those who publish zero to four. If you're practicing an evergreen approach to your content creation, this traffic increases over time.

6. 58% of marketers claim "original written content" is the most effective type, while 33% say custom video drives the most engagement.

7. No strategy would be complete without specific research, and marketers are well-versed in analyzing data. Some take a different approach with 42% of B2B marketers using conversations with customers as part of their research. This is a fantastic way to improve your buyer personas.

8. 52% of buyers strongly agree that if brands packaged relevant content, it would expedite the research phase. You can capitalize on this by using topic clusters to produce your content.

9. 90% of the most successful B2B content marketers place audience needs over their sales message to great results. Maintain a customer-centric marketing approach to find the same benefits.

10. Including testimonials can offer a nice bump in your brand's performance. In fact, 61% of US online consumers made a purchase after reading recommendations. Incorporate testimonials and reviews at different stages of the buyer's journey to see what it can do for your brand.

Content Marketing ROI

No list of stats would be complete without seeing what it can do for you. Content marketing is an exceptional tool because it can cost as little or as much as you want, but as you'll find, making an investment can bring some great results.

11. First, let's note that 82% of marketers who blog see positive ROI. The risk of content marketing is exceptionally low because rather than purchasing display ads that may go unnoticed, you're attracting people who are actively seeking your company.

12. In fact, compared to those ads, content marketing sees three times the leads per dollar spent over paid search.

13. Based on expenditure reports, Inbound generally costs 62% less than outbound marketing. And again, it converts 6x higher than traditional marketing.

Creating Your Own Strategy

If you're familiar with Inbound marketing, some of these stats may not surprise you. Still, they're great proof that what you're doing is working. They're also awesome tidbits to get the rest of your team on board with content marketing.

If you want to further your team's development, check out our free resource, How to Build the Ideal Marketing Team. In this guide, we explain how Lean Labs approaches hiring talent and how we've built a powerhouse team.

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