An In-Depth Look At How HubSpot Does Lead Nurturing

Want more leads?

Everyone does. But, will it do you any good to get more leads?

Without a lead nurturing process in place, that answer is no!

Organizations that engage in lead nurturing get about a 45% improvement in the ROI of their lead generation. So if you’re not nurturing leads, you’re putting all of the time and resources spent on lead generation to waste.

Why would you spend thousands of dollars attracting TOFU leads if you’re just going to abandon them once they become a contact?

How HubSpot Does Lead Nurturing

HubSpot has a variety of features that can be used in tandem to amp up your lead nurturing strategy. Let's look at them one by one:

Automated Workflows

While you never want to annoy your prospects with too much contact, you need to keep their interest. Maintaining a high level of engagement with contacts can be a challenge, so this is how automated workflows can be extremely beneficial. Marketing and sales teams can’t build a personal relationship with every lead when they scale into the thousands.

So, automate it.

Automation is the easiest way to personalize marketing at scale. By enrolling your leads into automated workflows, you can touch base with potential customers with more frequency, while providing relevant subject matter.

Using workflows, you can trigger automation sequences based on demographics, user actions, form data, and more. Not only that, but HubSpot's workflows allow you to automate lead and list management to keep your lead nurturing system in tip-top shape without spending too much time managing it.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a way to evaluate and weigh a contacts interest level as well as their qualification to become a customer. By implementing a lead scoring system, you can assign a value to every lead, which can be used for marketing automation or trigger manual actions.

With a detailed lead scoring system in place, high-value leads can be automatically flagged and sent to a salesperson for immediate attention.

The characteristics of a high-value lead can be based on a variety of factors, such as action on the website, particular page views, as well as demographic data, such as geolocation.

Predictive lead scoring is another essential HubSpot feature, available to Enterprise users. If you aren't sure how to score leads, predictive leads scoring does the work for you based on the attributes and behaviors of past customer acquisitions.

Buyer Journey Tracking

Successful lead nurturing enables teams to reach the right person, at the best time. You want to hit them with a message that fits into wherever they are in the buyer’s journey or their lifecycle stage.

HubSpot's smart list functionality uses previously set conditions, such as a form submission, to curate a list. The list updates when a user meets a set state, and marketers use them to:

  • Update teams when lead status changes
  • Update contact properties or deal properties
  • Prune cold or unengaged leads from your database
  • Get a high-level view of the total amount of leads in the buyer journey pipeline

HubSpot also helps teams utilize content strategically with smart content. Using smart content features, users can set the content a lead sees based on their stage. So for example, a TOFU lead will be shown TOFU content, as it's more relevant where they are in the buyer journey.

Progressive Profiling (Smart Forms)

If you’ve ever felt frustrated or intimidated by a form with a ton of fields, progressive profiling is right up your alley. Progressive profiling allows companies to collect information about users, but over a longer period of time. Instead of asking 5-10 questions upfront and scaring a lead off, progressive profiling slowly gathers information on a lead, based on the information you already have.

By slowly collecting information with the lead, you can focus on the data that matches their stage. For example, start with basic introductory questions, such as a first name, last name, and email address, perhaps for a TOFU content offer. The next time the lead raises their hand, you could ask more qualifying questions.

Integrated CRM

Any of the tactics we’ve discussed, such as progressive profiling, smart lists, lead scoring, and automated workflows, work very well on their own. But they’re the most effective when used together, in a cohesive lead nurturing strategy. The key is to unify all of these functionalities.

And it's possible, as well as more effective, with an integrated CRM. If your team is serious about gaining ROI from lead generation, investing in a tool like HubSpot is really, really worth the investment. Think about it. If your website and your database of contacts and customers can't talk to each other, what's the point?

While you can integrate HubSpot with your existing CRM, you won't get all of the tracking, optimization, engagement, content creation, website page building, and lead nurturing abilities that HubSpot offers in just one place.

Crush Lead Nurturing With HubSpot

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your lead nurturing strategy. To really build a lead nurturing process that not only helps engage and qualify leads, you need a robust system and tools.

Time spent on work arounds, such as multiple platforms, installing and updating widgets, or manually reaching out with leads and making updates about contacts, could be saved by just investing in a tool like HubSpot. If your team needs growth from lead generation campaigns, with authentic, fruitful relationships with potential customers, HubSpot is the solution.

We’ve done the homework, and know HubSpot can drive results. If you really want to use HubSpot, but stuck on the price, check out our HubSpot savings strategy. You could save up to 60% on your first year.

Download the guide to learn more. 

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