HubSpot CMS Pricing: Features, Plans, and Rates

Are you frustrated at how much effort it takes to run your website? Have you been longing to ditch your current CMS, but you’re held back by budget concerns? Finding the perfect CMS that can optimize your site's performance is one task you can't postpone—not if you want to maximize business results and stay ahead of the competition.

It used to be that once you select a CMS for your company, you would be stuck with it until an "upgraded" version comes along with a few improvements here and there. But today, to be an able player in an increasingly competitive landscape, you need to have a compelling "disruptive" strategy一one that entails a highly-responsive CMS. 

CMS products are abundant in the market, but you want to look for a CMS with features that can satisfy your company's growth needs and work within your financial requirements.

This post will cover Hubspot's multiple CMS features and how they can help you build and scale a data-driven website. 


Hubspot CMS: The Latest Powerful Features at Easygoing Rates 

A content manager's job is never easy. The responsibilities of developing content strategies, producing and ensuring consistent, high-quality content, and measuring content ROI are hard enough to juggle without grappling with Jurassic CMS platforms’ challenges. So why be stuck when a more effective CMS platform is within easy reach?

HubSpot's CMS Hub is an easy-to-use platform that can help marketers like you create, update, and optimize website pages independently. CMS Hub is rooted in Hubspot’s CRM platform, allowing the customer experience to be front and center in website building. Multiple plans give you flexibility no matter your operational needs or budgetary concerns. 


Starter Package 

You can already hit the ground running through the Hubspot Starter Package. Begin to build your website and dashboards without spending a cent simply by using free tools available, such as contact management, contact website activity, ad management, email tracking and notifications, email templates… the list is long. 

With the value of all the tools in the beginner's kit, you might be surprised by the price tag. Here are some of the most popular features of the warm-up package.

Package Cost: Starts at $23/month (billed at $300 $270/year). Pay monthly or pay upfront and save 10%.

1. Responsive Drag-and-Drop Editor

Do technical issues sometimes get in the way of optimizing your site? No problem. You can wing it solo without a developer's help or custom code using the responsive Drag-and-Drop Editor. Publishing changes on the fly can be as easy as pie.

2. Website Themes

It's usual to visit a site and wonder what's happening with all the mismatched designs, logos, or navigation. Make yours cohesive by using one of HubSpot's pre-built website themes. Want it to be a bit more unique? Customizing is a cinch with CMS Hub's option for custom development. 

3. Local Website Development

When you're building your website on the HubSpot CMS, you're able to leverage secure and optimized infrastructure so you can scale your business with ease and efficiency. Develop on HubSpot using the tools, technologies, and workflows you prefer, and use. 

4. Multi-language Content Creation 

The world's marketplace is increasingly becoming global. You need a platform that can easily manage multiple language domains and optimize each one for SEO. By allowing users to toggle between languages, you're able to make your business even more responsive to your growing international customer base. 


Professional Package

When you're ready to up your game, further optimize your content strategies, and reach higher traffic goals, you’ll want to look into the Professional Package. Several notches up the Starter Set, this package shows that you mean serious business. With this, you get everything in the Starter Package plus a whole lot more. We've listed down some of our favorite features, so you'll get a grasp of how this package can boost your productivity and results.

Package Cost: Starts at $360/month (billed at $4,800 4,320/year). Pay monthly or pay upfront and save 10%

1. Google Search Console Integration

If you're not relevant, you can't stay longer in the running. No wonder content managers do their best to keep and tap organic content. Let HubSpot CMS help you with organic search insights like average ranking position, related searches, total impressions, and click-through rates for pages on your website — right inside your HubSpot account.

2. SEO Recommendations and Optimizations

Leverage the features of HubSpot CMS to identify SEO issues quickly and see how you can optimize your pages to get more organic traffic, all in one place, with the SEO recommendations home screen.

3. Dynamic Personalization

Cold content is untouched content. Make your website connect to your users by creating personalized experiences with dynamic content across channels. HubSpot's personalization feature is driven by high-powered HubDB tables, CRM objects, programmable content, and more.

4. Contact Attribution Reporting

Work smarter, not harder, by knowing which marketing efforts bring in the most leads. HubSpot CMS can help you better grasp your website's impact on lead generation by tracking up to 10,000 logged contact interactions. Find out which sources, campaigns, referrers, content types, or titles are really driving leads right in your contacts database. You can also measure success across five different multi-touch attribution models.


Enterprise Package

Considering the Enterprise Package? Congratulations! You're now primed to be at peak performance in content management by leveraging all the features included in the Professional Package PLUS the additional tools in Enterprise. Here's a rundown of some of the game-changing reasons why you should upgrade to HubSpot CMS's most elite package. 

Package Cost: Starts at $1,200/month (billed at $14,400/year) 

1. Additional Root Domains

Making your content rank better is easy with powerful subdomains and root domains. With the HubSpot CMS Enterprise package, not only do you get an unlimited number of subdomains, but you also get nine additional root domains (with more available for purchase as add-ons). Build, host, partition, and report on multiple websites within the same HubSpot account. 

2. Partitioning

Enhance your site's integrity and security by limiting certain aspects of your software to specific users. For example, with HubSpot CMS, you can give teams different permissions for your blog posts, site pages, emails, forms, CTAs, lists, or workflows based on role, region, and more, so they can only see and edit the content that's relevant to them.

3. Adaptive Testing

Do you want to test for optimum performance? With the HubSpot CMS Enterprise Package, you’ll be able to test up to five-page variations at a time. By automating your A/B tests using artificial intelligence and machine learning with HubSpot CMS, you can save precious time and revamp your conversion rates on your website.

4. Web Applications

Don't be a run-of-the-mill web app by custom building your web app experiences. With the HubSpot CMS Enterprise Package, you can add customer-centric features such as calculators, event systems, customer portals, learning management systems (LMS), etc. All within your HubSpot account and powered by CRM data.


Getting out of the Rut with HubSpot CMS

Go from humdrum to exciting with the extensive possibilities within easy reach through the HubSpot CMS. Take it up a notch with HubSpot CMS and leverage its robust and dynamic CMS infrastructure to empower you to do more extraordinary things more efficiently and effectively. With HubSpot CMS, you can spend less time managing and more time in what truly matters: marketing. 

We can't wait for you to discover how much more productive you can be with HubSpot CMS. That's why we've devised a plan to get you 60% off your first year. 

Most customers pay $18,480 for their first year of HubSpot. But we've slashed that by more than half to bring it down to just $7,405! 

With the standard HubSpot package, you'll immediately need to spend the total price of $18,480 in the first month of the one-year use of the platform. However, with the Lean Labs Process, instead of paying in full for the entire basic platform package, you'll only be paying for the products you'll be able to use while your new website and marketing strategies are still being built. This translates to 60% savings without you having to wait for a second longer to use the platform. Learn more by checking out Hubspot today.

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