SaaS Content Writing: How to Attract, Engage, and Delight Your Customers

When creating content, only 66% of B2B marketers focus on their audience’s needs over their sales message. On the flip side, 88% of the most successful marketers put their audience first.

Are you in the 88%? 

You’ve heard that SaaS content writing is an excellent way for companies to attract the right audience. But you don’t want to spend too much time or money on content marketing that doesn’t perform. We get it.

Before you panic, hire blog writers who are a poor fit, and pull the trigger on content without a solid plan for promotion, tracking, or auditing; let us help you develop a strategy to write to your audience.



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Attract, Engage, and Delight Your Customers Through SaaS Content Writing

Today’s audience is savvy. With so much content online, consumers have the power. They’re not waiting for you to tell them how great your product is or how it works. They’re doing that research themselves.

They won’t read poorly written or presented content, particularly if it doesn’t hook their attention or they don’t resonate with the story.

Consumers do want to learn, though. And sharing your knowledge helps you to align with your customers. Effective writing is simple, helpful, and relevant to your buyer persona. Here’s how you can build relationships with your customers through beautiful content writing.

The Customer is the Hero

Think of your customer as a hero. And you are the guide. In any hero story, the guide helps the hero overcome challenges and transform. In his book Building a Storybrand, Donald Miller describes story in a nutshell:

  • A character has a problem and meets a guide, who gives them a plan and calls them to action, which ends in success and helps them avoid failure.

Sound familiar? It’s the framework for pretty much every story known to man.

Every potential customer is the main character in their own story. What are their pain points? What are their problem and challenges? What excites them? What gets in their way?

If you can answer these questions, you’re one step closer to knowing how you can help your customers transform. Remember, you’re selling an aspirational identity, not software.

Building a content library full of articles designed to educate and help your customer builds trust, empowers, and inspires them. Here’s how you can produce content for every step of your customer’s journey.

Writing to Attract Your Customers

In the attract phase of your buyer journey, you want to earn a prospect’s attention. Attract visitors with relevant and valuable content and help them learn about you and your product.

Many of your prospects are in the awareness stage of their buyer journey. They want to understand their problem and find content from businesses that empathize with their situation.

Related Read: [ULTIMATE GUIDE] Lead Generation Through Content Marketing

Through blog articles (including SEO content writing), social media, and eBooks, you can provide top-level educational content that’s helpful and tailored to your buyer persona. Make sure you answer the questions they’re asking.

You’re already starting to build trust, and if your potential customer ventures on to the next stage in their journey, they might look for content that educates them about your product or software–how it works, benefits, and features.

Writing to Engage Your Customers

In the consideration stage of their journey, your potential customer has defined their problem and is looking for solutions. They might have downloaded your eBook, and you’ll have their email address to start engaging with them in a human and helpful way.

Use well-crafted emails to engage with your customers and build further trust by becoming a resource and guide.

Good practice here is to segment your audience depending on how they interact with your company. If they spend time on your website, you might direct them to more useful and relevant blogs or landing pages. If they prefer social media, communicate with them there.

Related Read: Product vs Brand Marketing: Which Works Best? 

You want to make it easy to shop and buy from you by enabling buyers to interact with your brand. Demo videos, free trials, case studies, and testimonials can express how someone can solve their problems using your software and help entertain and inspire your audience.

This is also when they’re ready to buy, but not necessarily from you. Compelling calls to action with the right offer and content can dramatically impact converting a potential customer to a buyer.

Writing to Delight Your Customers

The key here is to go above and beyond your customers' expectations. Provide an outstanding experience, and you’ll build a lasting relationship and more word-of-mouth referrals.

How? By talking to your customers. Being human. Being helpful. Respond to questions promptly. Ensure they know how to use your software and offer tips and tricks to enhance their experience.

If you have a new product, write about it. Have you added a new feature to their existing product? Offer them the first look. Have them try it out before it goes to market.

Continue to educate them and be personal about it. “We wrote this article, and it might be helpful for you.” Ensure you’re letting them know why they’ll find it helpful in a way that lets them know you see them, you understand them, and you’re with them on their journey.

Your customers are your best marketers. If they’re having success with your product or software, release an article with an interview that champions them while proving that you can solve your potential customer's problems.

Your best customers turn into raving fans who are more likely to share your content, especially if it’s relevant and useful.

3 Pro Tips For SaaS Content Writing

Software services can be challenging to understand, and the content you write might be filled with technical jargon. This dilutes your message and makes it hard for your audience to know how your product or service solves their problem.


Keep it Simple

Get your message across by making it about your customer and how they will feel once they use your service. It’s unnecessary to talk about your product until you engage with your customers.

The goal is to educate, entertain, and inspire your audience through stories and let them know that you can solve their problems. Once they know you can help them, they’ll want to know who you are as a brand and if they wish to work with you.


Don’t Write for Everyone

Instead of trying to reel in anybody to use your service, you want to attract and engage your ideal clients. Write for the people who can and should buy your product or service.

You might choose three or five buyer personas, but each article should focus on one persona. You can even go as far as imagining you’re talking to one person.


Before You Write Content

How does your buyer persona phrase their problem in Google? Where do they go to ask for help? Once you know, show up where they are. A big part of your content strategy should be planning where to post your content and when. There’s no point throwing out social media posts if your buyer personas spend their time on YouTube.

Demographics are helpful to inform tone and imagery. Also, take time to understand the topics your audience cares about so you can resonate with them, allowing you to create and position the content you write.

SaaS Content Writing is an Investment

It takes time, effort, and budget to develop content writing strategies, come up with topics, and hire exceptional website content writers to craft the articles. But the return on investment is worth getting it right.

Content writing is one cog in the inbound marketing machine. Inbound marketing requires preparation. You want the right people coming to your website and consuming your content. The attract, engage, and delight method is one way to guide your customer on their hero journey.

At Lean Labs, we’re all about the customer journey and making it work for you. Download the Growth Marketing Strategy Kit to learn how to turn the right leads into delighted customers.


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