3 Reasons Static Websites Just Don't Work Anymore

The Internet has repeatedly witnessed the deaths of SEO, social media, email marketing, Facebook targeted ads, and so on. It's not uncommon for a headline such as, "SEO is Dead!" to make rounds on marketing blogs. Lo and behold, the dying strategy in question resurrects from the land of the dead after a deft blog post explains that it's still alive and well.

Although the argument on whether or not your SEO campaign remains a valuable tool for growth-focused digital marketing campaigns can be debated, there's one fact that cannot be refuted in terms of dying, obsolete marketing tactics: static websites.

Yes, static websites are dead!

And they're far from becoming the living dead this coming Halloween.

Why Static Websites are Going Obsolete

The much-talked-about Mobilegeddon is upon us so there's no reason your website should stubbornly stick to its old, idle self. In Google's Mobile Path to Purchase report, one of the main conclusions was, that 76 percent of consumers will visit a business within 24 hours and 28% of those searches result in a purchase.

That's a large chunk of potential buyers who are being left to a static, unchanging website.

Go To The Supermarket

There's a reason end-caps change, and the center isle displays are always moving around the store. Directives come down from top management all the time to change things up. Why? Because the store left always the same will not sell as much merchandise.

When something happens in the news, or a particular item gets popular, those items are moved to premier areas. Those areas are surrounded with the kind of merchandise associated with the hot item. That way, those who are shopping for the popular seller will undoubtedly see something else that appeals to them.

Stores long ago realized, remaining static was costing them a lot of money. So they adapted, and now, for the most part, are completely fluid based on customer data.

What makes you think your website can remain the same for a year without adapting to user behavior or demand? How much money is that costing your company?

3 Reasons Static Websites Don't Make the Cut Anymore

Before thinking about a website overhaul that still involves static pages, discover why you should opt for dynamic, user-responsive websites instead!

1. Static Websites Don't Adapt to New Information

Jeffrey Veen, the author of The Art and Science of Web Design, suggested that your website should answer three user questions:

  1. Where am I?
  2. What's here?
  3. Where can I go?

Over time, your users' needs and your companies offering to meet those needs will evolve. The information that was vital to the buying decision a year ago won't necessarily be vital to the buying decision today. The problem with a static website is, it's not built to evolve easily.

You will have to either have web developers on staff who can go in and change code, or you will have to hire a freelancer or agency again to make the changes required.

What we see most often is a company grows disconnected from their web presence. They embrace the slow growth or success they are having, and ignore the fact that the most powerful growth mechanism is collecting cobwebs in cyberspace. It's not that leads and customers aren't looking for them on the web, it's that they have abandoned them because their website got "old" and it's too much of a hassle to worry about.

2. Static Websites Are User-Blind

Whether it's traditional or digital marketing that you're currently tinkering on, there is only one question you should be concerned about: what problem are you trying to solve?

A static website is blind to this.

It doesn't take into account the need for optimization of the buyer's journey, and the change in user behavior on an ongoing basis. And the result? Frustrated users who would rather buy from a competitor than mess with your website's frustrating user experience.

The great thing about modern Growth Driven Design, is that the website becomes responsive to user's most pressing needs. When you find a certain peace of content or answer to a question can be the difference between conversion and losing a customer, your website can adapt to solve that problem intuitively. 

3. Static Websites are Based on Assumptions

A static website is established on assumptions of what your users might want from you, or how they will behave when navigating your website. Often, once a website is completed and launched, real-time data will show that your assumptions were not entirely accurate. 

Design tweaks to help users get from Point A to Point B quickly are therefore necessary. Investing in these tweaks pays for itself in more leads, more customers, and a better user experience overall.

Traditional website design projects have a limited scope. So once the website ships, the work is done. If a company decided their most important page wasn't working and needed re-tooled, they would have to go into negotiations with the design firm to increase the scope, or enter a new project entirely.

What This Means for You

Your website should be fluid, evolving to please prospects and customers alike. Gone are the days of websites acting as online brochures for the sake of only pitching your product or brandishing your slogan.

Is your static website driving users away rather than drawing them in? If you find your website underperforms, frustrates your customers, or quickly goes out of style; you need to consider a growth-driven design relationship for your next redesign.

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