5 Best Options for Affordable Website Design Packages For Growing Businesses

Your website is your best salesperson.

Or at least it should be. Potential customers decide whether to go further into their journey with you based on their experience on your website.

  • Unattractive content or layout causes 38% of visitors to leave a website.
  • 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience.
  • 48% of people cite that website’s design is the #1 factor determining a business’s credibility.

A whole page of statistics shows how important your website is in converting customers. If you’re here, you likely realize that you need to level up your website design.

Still trying to figure out where to start? Fantastic! We’re here to help.

This article explores 5 top options for affordable website design packages to fit your business needs. Let us help you build a compelling, user-friendly, and conversion-focused website that meets your growing needs without stretching your resources too thin.

If a cheap website doesn’t represent your brand or provide an intuitive user experience, what’s the point? Likewise, spending six months and six figures on a website that doesn’t convert is also a colossal waste of time and money.

Related: 10 Website Design Best Practices You're Ignoring

So where do you start?

As always, define your needs, goals, and budget. Then identify the pages and features you need for your website, your design preferences, and your desired branding. Consider upfront costs but don’t forget ongoing costs like website hosting, maintenance, and any iterations.

Now let’s dig into website design packages that won’t break the bank.


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The Buyer Journey: You Need More Than a Great-Looking Website

Before we get into the details, remember that a pretty website might be eye-catching and get you a first date, but if there’s no substance, you won’t get a second date.

Think of the buyer journey as your potential customer's path as they navigate your website, endeavor to find out more, and ultimately purchase your product or service. A seamless experience will lead to higher conversion rates – from clear next steps to engaging content – design your website to guide visitors through their journey.

Websites that convert have three things in common:

  1. Great UX: Make your website intuitive, easy to navigate, and enjoyable. From well-structured menus to clear calls to action, the goal is to eliminate friction and make it easy for visitors to find what they want.
  2. Compelling copy: Engaging, persuasive copy informs visitors about your products or services and connects with them emotionally, addressing their needs and desires while guiding them toward a purchase.
  3. Modern design: Great website design conveys your brand's personality. It also establishes credibility, trust, and creates an emotional connection with your visitors.

Find a partner who knows how important design, UX, and copy are but also understands that you need a customized design package based on your goals and budget. In many cases, you can build a website for free and then scale as you grow – but not every company will tell you that.

DIY Website Builders

We want to give you as many options as possible, so we’ll start with DIY website builders. Most of these companies are subscribed, so you'll pay monthly fees instead of paying for a particular package.

1. Wix: Budget-Friendly and Versatile

Wix is feature-rich, comes with over eight hundred templates, and you can access an App Market to extend your site’s functionality. In addition, its user-friendly interface makes creating and managing a website easy for anyone, regardless of technical expertise. 

With the drag-and-drop editor, you can customize layouts and update content without touching a line of code. Most features are available on the free plan, but you must upgrade for website analytics and unlimited storage.

Other drawbacks:

  • You don’t have control over hosting or server locations
  • You can’t switch templates once your site is live
  • Wix’s best features are only available on paid plans

Pricing for premium plans: 

  • Business Basic: $27/month
  • Business Unlimited: $32/month
  • Business VIP: $59/month

2. Squarespace: Simple and Elegant Designs

Squarespace is the number one DIY website builder on the market. Known for its minimalist templates and intuitive design tools, the website you create will also link seamlessly with other Square tools like Square Payroll and Square POS.

Features include:

  • Professionally designed templates
  • Drag-and-drop editing
  • Mobile optimization
  • Built-in SEO tools
  • E-commerce integration (on higher-tier plans)
  • Custom domain and email address options
  • SSL security

Some drawbacks include the no free plan, limited integrations, and restrictive customization.

Pricing for businesses:

  • $33/month

Themes and Templates

Next, we have themes and templates. If you manage your business on Hubspot, you’ll find various options for building websites. Themes and templates are designed to make it easy to create customizable website pages, blogs, and other content without learning code.

3.  Sprocket Rocket: A Website Builder With a Difference

HubSpot’s CMS Hub is a powerful drag-and-drop website builder that uses a combination of themes, templates, and modules to help you build website pages, landing pages, and blog articles quickly and easily.

Sprocket Rocket is one of the top themes in the HubSpot marketplace. The main draw is that you can build modular websites without any coding knowledge. You can work quickly and efficiently using block-based building instead of individual pieces.

The Sprocket Rocket app syncs directly with your HubSpot account. The free version of the app offers a rapid drag-and-drop builder for creating pages in HubSpot quickly, and it can be synced to one HubSpot Portal with a limit of 1 user account and ten modules.

To help you own the page-building process from conception to launch, the paid version includes over 150 modules, 30 + pre-built templates, a10 users, and 8 system pages. Branding setup is free.


  • Sprocket Rocket Theme: Free
  • Sprocket Rocket Pro: $2,997

Website Design Agencies

4. SmartBug: A Turnkey Solution

SmartBug Media is a full-service digital marketing agency, but a big part of their service is a big part of their offering. They specialize in turnkey solutions but also offer website design packages.

Whether you need content strategies, custom design, or SEO best practices, SmartBug works with your team to create your site, copy, and visual elements. Then, as part of the web redesign process, they prepare small deliverables to help you decide your website's final look and feel.

Post-launch technical support is also available with SmartBug. So whether you need to update content or fix a bug, SmartBug can help.

Pricing: Available upon request

5. Lean Labs: When You’re Ready to Scale

Lean Labs is a hybrid growth team. We do much more than website design, but we see your website as a growth funnel.

We develop high-performance, high-conversion websites using a growth-driven design approach. Partnering with Lean Labs involves the following steps:

  1. Crafting a custom go-to-market strategy
  2. Developing a custom growth website
  3. Integrating proven growth marketing methodologies with a hybrid growth team
  4. Using conversion rate optimization to fine-tune your website

If you’re ready to scale your business, you need a website that grows with you. It’s an investment worth making if you get a high-conversion website that brings in qualified leads.


  • ‘Improve’ package: Starts at $20,000.
  • ‘Impress’ package: Starts at $40,000.

3 Questions to Ask To Find Your Ideal Website Design Option

How do I determine the best website design package for my growing business?

Consider your business's unique needs, goals, and budget when choosing a web design package. In addition, it's important to consider customization, scalability, integration with sales and marketing tools, and the provider's experience with creating seamless buyer journeys.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my website design package as my business grows, or my needs change?

Most website design providers allow you to upgrade or downgrade your package as your business grows or your needs change. Before deciding, make sure you understand your provider's upgrade and downgrade policies and any associated costs.

How important is having a website design provider specializing in my industry or niche?

The most important thing is to choose a provider with a proven track record of creating successful, conversion-focused websites. Results and reputation matter - even better if their experience is in your industry.

Affordable Website Design Packages: Make Your Best Choice

Building your own website might be your best choice if you're on a tight budget. But if you do go the DIY route, there’s a ceiling. It’s more than possible, but it’s a lot of work for smaller returns. And if you think a good website is expensive, a bad website will cost you a lot more in the long run.

Ultimately, it comes down to your specific needs, goals, and budget. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying competitive and leveraging modern tools are crucial for the success of your business.

We recommend you start with HubSpot. HubSpot’s free CMS tools and Sprocket Rocket will allow you to create a stunning, high-conversion website without learning code. Then, once you see some results and you want to scale, you can reach out to an agency like Lean Labs, and we’ll help you go from good to great.

In the meantime, do you want to increase your conversion rate within 30 days without rebuilding your website? Then check out the Website Transformation Toolkit. Start today and turn your website into your #1 salesperson.

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