Top 8 SaaS Marketing Agencies That Reliably Get Results

When any potential vendor or agency claims that they can help you achieve a result, the best thing to do is ask them one important question: Can you prove it?

In other words, you need them to show you an example of a time that they achieved that result for a business like yours. 

There are thousands of SaaS marketing agencies who will gladly take your money. However, only a handful of them have actually achieved significant results for clients in the past, and then documented those results in a place that anyone can see.

In this post, we’ll review 8 SaaS marketing agencies with a documented track record for delivering lift to key business metrics for their clients. By the end, you’ll be ready to select the best partner for your business.

Key Considerations When Hiring a Marketing Agency for your SaaS Company  

Outsourcing your marketing is a high-risk, high-reward investment, so don’t rush into anything you may later regret. Choosing the wrong agency could waste months of valuable time, thousands of dollars, and hurt your brand’s reputation. On the flip side, partnering with an experienced, proven marketing team can accelerate revenue growth, ensuring that the engagement will pay for itself and then some. 

The two most important questions to ask yourself when hiring a SaaS marketing agency are:

  1. Do they have a proven track record of delivering the results I’m after for a business that looks like mine (size, industry, etc.)?
  2. Are there third-party testimonials stating that the team is pleasant to work with? Clear, respectful communication is crucial, not only for achieving results but also for your team’s mojo. It’s never fun to work with jerks. 

Each of the SaaS marketing agencies reviewed in this article checks both of those boxes. These teams proudly publish case studies and testimonials showcasing successful engagements with many SaaS clients.
As we review each agency, I’ll give you a quick overview of each company, highlight their primary focus area, and share a real customer testimonial. Let’s jump in! 


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1. NoGood


NoGood is a New York-based marketing agency that has worked with some big names across the consumer, SaaS, retail, and healthcare industries, including Nike, TikTok, and Intuit. They help brands build compounding growth.  

Focus area

Service offerings include performance branding, PPC, social media ads, content marketing, and TikTok strategy.  They work with businesses ranging in size from startups to Fortune 500. 

Example of Result

NoGood worked with Ghostery, a browser extension that makes the web browsing experience faster, cleaner, and safer by detecting and blocking third-party data-tracking technologies. They were able to increase total traffic by 127% and paid conversion rates by 29%.

Client Testimonial

“[NoGood] helped us focus our efforts on high-intent audiences; as a result, we managed to successfully reach customers who are truly interested in data privacy and seek tools like ours that help them take ownership of their information.”

-Jeremy Tillman

President & Head of Product & Marketing

2. Single Grain


Single Grain is a full-service agency founded by Eric Siu, who has worked with companies like AirBnB, Uber, and Bittrex. They provide digital marketing services and training. 

Focus area

Single Grain’s services include PPC, content marketing, CRO, and Cypto/NFT marketing. They work primarily with large tech brands and businesses in the web3 space.    

Example of Result

Twenty20 is an innovative new player disrupting the crowded stock visual media space. With Single Grain, they were able to increase web traffic by 403% and reduce cost per MQL by 72%.

Client Testimonial

“Single Grain has been key in helping us generate B2B engagement across digital channels. We can count on them to bring new ideas to the table consistently and that's why we love working with them.”

— Jacqueline Foster

Demand Generation Marketing,

3. Kalungi


Kalungi is a marketing agency that works with startups in three phases: Start ($1-10M ARR), Scale ($10-100M ARR), and Profit ($100M +). 

Focus area

Kalungi works primarily with early-stage B2B SaaS companies. Their services include go-to-market strategy, content marketing, and account-based marketing. 

Example of Result

Zippity is the only operating system built exclusively for mobile automotive service companies. Kalungi helped them get their SaaS product off the ground and make their initial sales. 

Client Testimonial

"Kalungi has been critical to our success to date. We did not have a single dollar in SaaS revenue when we first engaged with Kalungi. They took us from defining our ICP to initial SaaS sales and through our continued growth to this point. We’ve exceeded our sales goals in each of the first three months of our operation and seem to be on a very exciting trajectory going forward."

Ed Warren, CEO Zippity

4. Inturact


Inturact is a  Product-Led Growth agency with the tagline Inturact with B2B SaaS. They take a data-driven approach to marketing and leverage inbound methodologies. 

Focus area

Inturact works primarily with early-stage B2B SaaS companies. They do both marketing consulting and marketing services like web design, content marketing, and onboarding optimization. 

Example of Result

Keen is an event data management software. They needed help attracting customers for their technically complex product. Inturact helped them with their growth strategy and executed a content campaign that led to a 50% increase in blog traffic. 

Client Testimonial

“Inturact has been great to work with! We have a more technical product where bringing in outside marketing help is sometimes challenging. Trevor is so knowledgable across a broad set of tools and industries though, he grasped it right away. We have also enjoyed their approach to project management, which helps keep everything very organized. Would recommend them to any SaaS company looking for help!”

- Teresa Day - VP Marketing, Keen

5. SimpleTiger


SimpleTiger is an SEO SaaS Marketing Agency that’s been in business for a decade. They’re a remote team that works with SaaS companies ranging in size from startups to publicly traded companies. 

Focus area

SimpleTiger helps SaaS businesses of all sizes win search with services like SEO, keyword research, link building, and paid advertising.

Example of Result

Segment is a customer data infrastructure that allows you to collect and route customer data to hundreds of different marketing, analytics, sales, and data warehousing tools. SimpleTiger worked with them to build a plan for keyword targeting, content production, and technical best practices. They were able to generate a 14% net increase in site-wide organic traffic in the first 2 months of the engagement. 

Client Testimonial

“(SimpleTiger has) been extremely professional, attentive, and helpful in educating us on the black box that is SEO. Not only do they take the time to walk you through the aspects of SEO for your website that can be improved, but also they make sure you understand the reasons behind their suggestions.”

— Andy Jiang, Success Engineer at Segment

6. HeyDigital


HeyDigital is a marketing agency for SaaS startups that already have product-market fit and effective messaging. They leverage paid advertising to drive leads into the sales pipeline. They’re so committed to SaaS that they have a podcast called “The SaaS Marketing Show”.

Focus area

HeyDigital works primarily with growing SaaS startups and focus on managing PPC campaigns, ad creative, and landing page design. 

Example of Result

Hotjar is a powerful solution that offers product experience insights. It reveals how online users behave and what they feel strongly about. HeyDigital worked with them to create Google search ads and Youtube ads, and managed the Youtube placements. These campaigns resulted in a 94% decrease in cost per acquisition (CPA). 

Client Testimonial

“As a fast-growing startup, we needed to get the word out about our product effectively and efficiently. Hey Digital partnered with us to lay a strong foundation for ongoing paid marketing, with refreshed creative and targeting optimisations that significantly reduced cost per signup.”

–Sarah Kiefer, CMO at Pitch

 7. SaaS Academy


SaaS Academy is a coaching and training company started by serial entrepreneur Dan Martell. They act as advisors for SaaS founders, helping them scale rapidly, improve business operations, and create a lifestyle that lights them up.

Focus area

SaaS Academy helps SaaS founders learn to increase growth velocity and scale profitably. They offer three growth programs, each designed for different stages of founders. They act as advisors for in-house marketing teams, helping them be more effective with training and playbooks. 

Example of Result

Flexpay founder Darryl Hicks joined SaaS Academy, and with training and support, were able to  take their business from 100k in MRR to over 550k in MRR. He attributes much of that success to the guidance, advice, and support he got in the SaaS academy community. 

Client Testimonial

“Since joining SaaS Academy, we've grown by 80% in just under a year. Having these playbooks gives you the focus, they carry, and the confidence to move forward.”

–Jon, CEO ZonGuru

8. Lean Labs


Lean Labs is an outsourced growth team for innovative SaaS & Tech companies. We emphasize a holistic approach to go-to-market and gather insights from the sales, product, and customer success teams to better understand (and market to) your ideal customer.  

Focus area 

High-ticket B2B SaaS companies are in our sweet spot. We help SaaS and Tech companies with go-to-market strategy, web design, growth marketing, and conversion rate optimization

We specialize in building and optimizing a high-converting buyers journey that fills sales pipelines with qualified buyers. 

Example of Result

EZ Texting is an industry-leading text message marketing service provider used by more than 160,000 businesses. We worked with them to build a high-converting website and to drive traffic to it with targeted growth marketing. In just six months, we helped build a growth engine that drives more than 36,000 page views and 1,000 organic leads every month.

Client Testimonial

“Lean Labs is committed to servicing their customers in an amazing way and get resuts. We see very positive results on KPIs like traffic, users, and conversions; all things you like to see when you're running a business.”

– Matt Reid. CMO EZ Texting

How to Choose the Best SaaS Marketing Agency for Your Business

Step 1: Define your goals

If you don’t know what you need help with, you won’t know who can help. For example, if you sell a low-ticket SaaS product through your website, you’ll want to work with an agency that has experience with profitable customer acquisition. On the other hand, if you sell a high-ticket SaaS product through a sales team, you’ll want to work with an agency that knows how to bring in the right leads who are actually raising their hands to book a meeting. 

Knowing your goals will help you find a partner that is aligned and can help deliver the results you need. 

Step 2: Determine your selection criteria

How will you know if you found “the one”? The key is define selection criteria for the type of business that you want to partner with. Is it important that your SaaS marketing agency has a decade of experience? That they specialize in SaaS? That their offices are within walking distance?
There are literally thousands of marketing agencies. Your selection criteria will help you quickly rule out agencies that aren’t a good fit. 

Step 3 Identify evidence of results 

If they’ve never done it before, what makes you think they’ll be able to do it for you?
Experienced, effective, and proven agencies proudly publish their case studies and testimonials. If you click around a potential agencies website and can’t find more than a couple case studies, they may not be as awesome as they claim to be. 

Look for case studies, testimonials, and reviews on 3rd party websites. If you are in conversations with a potential partner, don’t be afraid to ask them for a referral of a client who owns a business that is similar to yours and who got a result working with the agency. 

Step 4: Ask the right questions

Marketing agencies tend to be pretty good at marketing themselves. But does that mean they can actually deliver results for you? Knowing the right questions to ask when meeting with potential agencies is essential to ensuring you partner with the best team for your unique needs. Come prepared with the questions you want to ask, and ask them to every agency you meet with. Some great questions to consider are

  • What brands have you worked with like mine?
  • What problems did they have/what were they hoping to achieve? What did you do for them? What was the outcome?
  • What would you do to help me so my problem? What outcome is reasonable and in what time frame? 
  • What happens if you aren’t able to deliver the results you promise? Do you have a value-over-profit program?

SaaS Marketing Agency or Outsourced Growth Team?

You want to drive growth for your SaaS company. Maybe you just got an influx of capital to invest into marketing. Or maybe you’ve started to get some initial traction and you’re looking to reinvest your profits into growth. 

If you’re looking to hire an outside company to help your scale your growth, it’s essential to ask yourself one question: “Do I just want to write a check for growth, or do I want to partner with a growth team?”
Many agencies will gladly take your check and run some ads. Or write some blogs. Or post on social. But what happens when these activities don’t drive consistent, meaningful business results (meaning actual paying customers)? They shrug their shoulders and say you just need to run more ads, or write more blogs, or post more often.
On the other hand, an outsourced growth team works with your sales, product, and customer success teams to deeply understand the needs, pains, and desires of your ICP. They then leverage proven strategies and tools to attract your ideal customer and activate them into sales meetings. 

Lean Labs works as a hybrid growth team meaning we work alongside our clients, setting them up with the processes and tools they need to accel as growth leaders within their organization. We leverage the subject matter expertise of our clients to better connect with ideal customers. 

If you want to know exactly what we would do if we were your growth team, check out the Growth Playbook. We boiled down decades of experience helping deserving B2B SaaS companies accelerate growth into a single, powerfully actionable playbook. 

And if you’re looking to partner with an outsourced growth team, consider booking a growth mapping session. Our growth expert will analyze your current marketing metrics to identify the biggest opportunities and recommend exactly what to do next to accelerate your growth. We look forward to helping you grow.

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The only outsourced growth team with a track record of 10X growth for SaaS & Tech co's. 🚀

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