What Does HubSpot Do? 6 Reasons Companies Should Consider Buying HubSpot

It's no secret that we prefer HubSpot at Lean Labs. We have written quite a few articles talking about the many benefits that it provides for companies, marketing teams, sales teams, and their customers.

It is such a useful asset that we almost never work with any clients that don’t have it. We focus on being a growth team for deserving brands, and HubSpot helps us consistently deliver on our 10x growth philosophy for our customers.

To achieve such a high level of growth and ROI, we need powerhouse marketing and sales tools. We need to know what works and (more importantly) what doesn’t so that we can quickly pivot and spend our time, and your money, wisely.

HubSpot delivers insightful data, simplifies tasks, and aligns marketing and sales teams around a common goal — to grow company revenues while building a customer-centric experience.

But, why should you fall in love with HubSpot as we have? What does it do?

What Does HubSpot Do & Why Should You Buy It?

1. HubSpot Helps You Understand Your Website Performance

Being able to prove the ROI of marketing activities and measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing is difficult. About 42% of marketers cite this as one of the biggest challenges that they face today.

Most people think of analytics as the metrics that you would typically see in a simple tool like Google Analytics. This would include things like traffic, bounce rate, unique visitors, and more.

While this can be very useful data, you need more to understand the impact of your campaigns on the company's bottom line.

This is where digital analytics comes into play.

Digital analytics is the translation of customer behavior into business data that can be acted on. It helps you figure out which of your initiatives are yielding the most ROI.

Because HubSpot is a unified content, marketing, and sales platform, it can combine the data in a way that lets you close the loop. You will see which social posts, landing pages, and emails are leading people down a path to become a customer.

It also gives you access to people-centric data on the buyer's journey. You can see how your prospects and leads are interacting with your different marketing initiatives and channels over time.

2. It Simplifies Complex Marketing Strategies

HubSpot makes it incredibly easy to build a campaign that spans across all of your marketing channels to put all of your data in one place. It makes it easier to launch and manage complex marketing strategies.

HubSpot gives you a centralized dashboard where you can view all of your campaigns at a glance. You can even launch a new campaign with a click of a button.

You can use the campaigns tool to set high-level goals that you've identified for each of your campaigns and manage every asset from inside HubSpot.

what does hubspot do

Individual channel analytics make it easy to see what's going on. You can make timely adjustments to get the best possible results.

From a single location you can:

  • See how your forms and landing pages are performing.
  • See how many contacts have engaged with any of your campaign assets.
  • Determine how many of those contacts have converted into customers and what the dollar value of those conversions was.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of any automation that is a part of this campaign. Review any social promotions and ads that are contributing.
  • See how email campaigns are performing.

With HubSpot, you don't have to assemble complicated spreadsheets, pivot charts, and diagrams to try and keep up. You can monitor everything in real time, and when the campaign has ended, you can quickly generate a report to show the overall success.

3. HubSpot Gives Your Sales Team Hidden Data

Because HubSpot is tracking all of this useful information and tying it back to individual customer records, your sales team gets access to data that was previously not available to them in other tools.

Before they ever even get on the phone with the lead, they get a lot of valuable information that will help frame the call.

  • They can see which pages and blog articles the contact has been engaging with on the site, providing insights into problems or goals that the lead may have.
  • HubSpot shows any content offers the lead converts on.
  • They can tell which social channels this person has been interacting with, as well as the types of posts and topics that get their interest. 
  • HubSpot shows any emails the lead opens and clicks.

All of this data is updated in real-time as the visitor navigates to your site and interacts with your various assets.

Having access to this information makes it easier to get your sales team to use the CRM (Contact Management System). Once they start utilizing it, you gain additional insights into their effectiveness, and the marketing team also gets some useful information.

4. It Helps Your Marketing Team See the ROI of Content Assets

Now that your sales team and your marketing team are more aligned, the marketing team can see the ROI of the assets that they are generating.

Let me walk you through how this works inside HubSpot and for your teams.

  1. An anonymous visitor clicks on a post on Facebook and comes over to your website to read a blog article.
  2. At the end of that article, there is a call to action to download a guide that is relevant. To download the guide, the visitor has to fill out a form that provides their name and email address.
  3. Once they are done filling out that form, HubSpot creates a contact record in the CRM. This record includes information about what the lead clicked on in Facebook, what article they viewed, and which asset they downloaded.
  4. Because the interaction with the material is a high indicator that the lead might be ready to purchase, it automatically assigns someone on the sales team, and HubSpot notifies the sales rep to reach out to the lead.
  5. The sales team member reviews the history of this lead and determines that they are a viable target. He reaches out to them by email inside of CRM to schedule an appointment.
  6. He can monitor that email. HubSpot will notify him when the lead opens and clicks on the link to book the appointment. Once the lead books the appointment, HubSpot logs the appointment date and time on the CRM record.
  7. While he is talking to the lead, he's able to make notes, log phone calls, keep track of additional appointments, share assets that can help in the sales process, and a lot more. All of these interactions are logged right on the CRM contact record.
  8. After the sales rep makes the sale, the salesperson can record the value of the sale directly inside of HubSpot.

Because he closed the loop on the reporting, the marketing team will see which Facebook posts, blog articles, and content assets are generating the highest revenue for the company.

This allows the marketing team the spend more time developing content and assets that power their lifecycle marketing strategies. They can pivot their strategy in real time and spend less time on things that don't work.

5. HubSpot Makes it Easy to Automate Routine Tasks

With HubSpot's marketing automation tools, you can let your leads find their path to purchase. You can use a lead’s behavior to customize emails, content, and offers.

Email drip campaigns can automate your lead nurturing. They can move prospects further down the funnel and help qualify your leads.

With dozens of different triggers, conditions, and actions you can make sure that you send the right email to the right lead at the right time.

But of course — HubSpot takes automation to a whole new level.

Their visual workflow editor makes it easy to view your workflows in real time. From simple follow-up campaigns to complex multi-stage journeys, you can to see what works and what doesn't.

Marketing and Sales teams can also use automation to save time.

  • You can trigger internal notifications when contact takes a noteworthy action.
  • You can add tasks to the CRM or to Salesforce to let your sales teams know about contacts that they should follow up with.
  • You can set up webhooks to connect with other sales software.
  • You can update lead scores based on actions the lead has (or hasn’t) taken.
  • You can also rotate leads off from marketing to sales as they take actions that indicate that they are warming up to a purchase decision.
  • You can manage your data in bulk by updating contact properties, copying values, and a lot more.

Get Started with HubSpot & Save up to 60% in Your First Year

All of our clients use HubSpot. That's how much we believe in the power of the tool and the data that it provides.

We know that HubSpot is a worthwhile investment. But — we also know that it's a significant one.

That's why we've become pretty creative in finding ways to help our clients save as much money as possible. Now, we’re sharing that information with you for free.

Download our Guide on Saving with HubSpot and learn how to save up to $10k in your first year. 

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