What Startups Need to Know About HubSpot CMS Hub

Startups are going crazy for the new HubSpot CMS Hub.

But is the hype legitimate?

After all, many startups swap out their martech stack every few months, hoping a new tool will provide a nice boost to their revenue. And we get it, it can be tempting to jump on the newest tech trends and hope you’ll get the results that you’re looking for.

When it comes to your website, though, stability is crucial for success. You need to think about long-term strategies and invest in software that has the right features built-in to create high-converting pages.

Your website is the 24/7/365 salesperson for your company. It works hard every day to generate revenue — if it’s built correctly — and will be an integral part of all your online and offline marketing efforts for years to come.

HubSpot CMS Hub may be the perfect solution to give your website that revenue-generating foundation. But first, there are some things you need to consider to know if it meets your startup's needs.

Getting the Most From HubSpot CMS Hub

HubSpot empowers customers to create their own websites using their intuitive drag-and-drop interface — but even the most self-explanatory CMS tools can still be confusing at first.

You shouldn’t spend hours, days, or weeks going back and forth with HubSpot support, reading their documentation, and trying to get everything up and running all by yourself.

Building websites that convert requires more than just knowledge of the tools. You have to know how customers interact with websites and how to create remarkable experiences through layout, content, and imagery that will guide them to a purchase decision.

Our experts here at Lean Labs have helped our clients get started with HubSpot CMS Hub, and we can even help you get up to 90% off the cost if your company is a qualified startup. Schedule a call with our team to find out if you qualify.

1. CMS Hub Integrates Directly with HubSpot’s CRM

HubSpot’s integrated CRM allows you to manage all your contacts and leads in a centralized location. When someone subscribes to your newsletter, downloads a resource, or fills in a contact form, they are automatically added to your contact database in the CRM.

This deep integration allows you to close more leads and remove friction from your sales process. Your sales team can view all of the contact’s activity on the website before they even reach out and make contact with a lead. They can see the pages they viewed, what content they were the most interested in, and use that information to better inform their conversations.

For example, let’s say that you sell specialty foods for different diets — Keto, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Nut-Free, etc. Someone comes to your site and contacts sales to ask a question about placing a custom order.

The salesperson is able to see that they’ve looked at 10 different Keto-friendly products. They can even pass this lead to the person most knowledgeable on Keto products so the lead gets the best possible experience.

In addition to that increased visibility, you’ll have the ability to track emails and notifications, track prospects, schedule meetings, and even live chat with website visitors.

“I love how simple, yet very efficient HubSpot CRM is. The ability to customize properties has been a huge benefit to both my sales team and our reporting.” - Leah Lawrence, Corporate Sales Manager for FoodJets

2. You’re in Control of Your Website


HubSpot CMS Hub is a drag-and-drop website builder that makes it easy for you to create professionally-designed websites.

You are able to add new pages, add content, upload graphics, and even optimize your site for SEO using the Hub’s built-in recommendations — all without needing to find, hire, and manage external developers and experts.

This is crucial when your business is changing quickly, and you need to be able to adapt your website or add new content on-the-fly to keep up. You don’t have to wait weeks on a developer to make a simple change, like adding a new vendor or updating staff members.

You also have access to advanced features like Adaptive Testing that allows you to test up to 5 variations of a landing page at a time so you can ensure the highest-converting version is in use.

“With CMS Hub we are able to manage our update schedule with ease. We don’t have to rely on an engineer to make updates. We can go right in and quickly adjust the number of partners we work with or update product information. It’s given us the flexibility to move fast as we grow.” - Amanda Raines, Head of B2B Marketing for Class Pass

3. Professionally-Designed Templates at Your Fingertips


HubSpot’s Template Marketplace puts a wide variety of professionally-designed templates at your fingertips so that you don’t have to be a graphic designer to make your site look good.

You don’t need to have an “eye” for choosing color combinations and imagery. The templates are designed to give you a desirable look with cohesive and modern colors, images, and fonts that flow well together throughout the pages.

With HubSpot’s templates, you can quickly find a theme that does what you want, is appealing to your target audience, and is easily customizable to fit your branding, marketing message, and products or services.

“If you’re in the market for a tool that is user-friendly and allows you to edit and publish without needing to dig into learning coding or backend details, you’ll likely get a lot of mileage out of HubSpot CMS.” - Rose Wheeler

4. A Robust Form-Builder is Included


HubSpot’s drag and drop form builders make it simple to add contact and lead capture forms to your website — without requiring you to sign up for third-party form services.

Every visitor who fills out one of your forms will be automatically added to the HubSpot CRM when you’re using it in combination with CMS Hub.

You can quickly and easily customize your forms with up to 1,000 form field options and a dozen different field types without writing code. These forms are available to drag and drop onto the pages of your site without requiring any cumbersome embed codes.

“HubSpot’s form builder is one of the easiest to work with...” - Ari Denial

5. Customizable Dashboards Give You Deep Insights into Your Data


Your data is the most valuable resource you can have when it comes to optimizing your marketing campaigns. You don’t have to make decisions based on opinions or assumptions.

Instead, having access to robust data means that you can make informed decisions that help you fix gaps in your marketing and sales funnels. You’ll be able to ramp up results across your efforts and generate more revenue for your company with less trial and error.

HubSpot gives you customizable dashboards so that you can narrow in on the data that is most valuable to your decision-making processes.

“Measure the performance of all your marketing campaigns in one place with built-in analytics, reports, and dashboards. It’s everything you need to be a smarter data-driven marketer.” - HubSpot

6. You Can Create Search-Optimized Content


Content creation is a massively-important undertaking. Your content helps improve your search ranking and convert visitors into leads. If your content isn’t optimized properly for search visibility, then it won’t be found by your target audience.

HubSpot CMS Hub has a built-in SEO optimizer that will guide you and help you make sure your content is Google-ready. It takes the technical know-how out of optimization and makes it easy for you to add metadata, keywords, and the right structure to your content to improve ranking.

“You can easily see how you can improve your site and take action, all in one place with the SEO recommendations home screen.” - HubSpot

Grow Your Startup Right

HubSpot delivers everything you need to grow your business, but most startups have one hesitation when it comes to moving forward — the cost.

Don’t let the cost keep you from getting the right tools to help your startup grow. If you qualify for the startup program, you can save up to 90% off the cost of HubSpot CMS Hub and other HubSpot tools.

Find out if you qualify for the startup program by scheduling a meeting with our expert.

“We could not have asked for a better partner than Lean Labs. They have tremendous energy and knowledge, and have really propelled Atlantech Online’s marketing efforts.” - Ed Fineran, Owner of Atlantech Online, Inc.

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